Sunday, February 27, 2011

February 27- A letter to a letter you’ve written

I have written four full books of you now, and I don't even know who you are to. I have written you to G-d and to an imaginary sister, but the person you are intended for is someone I dont know yet, or if i do, i dont know who she is.
You are the truest expression of myself.
Waiting to send...

Friday, February 25, 2011

February 25- A letter to a composer

Dear Composer,
acceded, baggage, cabbage, defaced, effaced, feedbag....
How am i supposed to talk to you with only 8 letters?

Thursday, February 24, 2011

February 24- A letter to the future cyborg version of you

Dear Me2.0,
Let me guess.. Wings, Swords, some sort of flamethrower and shock-wave generator, and quick reflexes... So what's different?
You, the previous version.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

February 23- A letter to The President

Mr. President,
I'm writing a research paper on how American government is founded on biblical principles. You should read it.
Voter #4826490
(i read that on my ballot)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

February 22- A letter to one of your roommate

Dear David,
I second the motion. That is all.
The mean one.

Monday, February 21, 2011

February 21- A letter to the food of your choice

Dear Bacon-Sausage,
Thats not Kosher.
Avoiding a heart attack.

Bring on the Broken

“Yeshua also said to the one who had invited him, “when you give a lunch or a dinner, don’t invite your friends, brothers, relatives, or rich neighbors; for they may well invite you in return, and that will be your repayment. Instead when you have a party, invite poor people, disfigured people, the crippled, the blind! How blessed you will be that they have nothing with which to repay you! For you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.” Luke 14:12-14 Psalms 8:4 asks Elohim a question; “What is man that you are mindful of him?” This question attempts to show the wonderful love of a God who is infinitely more than any human can conceive. It does so by reinforcing the finite nature of man. Indeed, what is man? There are six billion people in the world, and why is the life of one individual any different from another. If mankind looks at an ant colony, he would not see the status of the individual ants. From Elohei Kedem (Eternal God) perspective, the wealth, quality, or standing of a person is irrelevant. Everyone is human, and each person has flaws they must overcome. For believers, they overcome these flaws not for our own betterment, but in service to Yeshua, and to remake ourselves in his image. When H’Meshiah saw his followers, a band of weak willed slaves addicted to idols of this world, how did he respond? He saw humans as they are; broken so badly that we are not capable of saving themselves. He came down as a savior in spite of the inconvenience that humanity had become. He saw humans as humans, seeing past faults, flaws, “blindness”, “lameness”, “disfigurement”, and loved the heart He saved. People tend to see people as something other than people. When a person with a frustrating habit, or annoying personality crosses the path of even a believer, the natural tendency is to see a situation rather than a person. Humans treat other humans the same way we treat possessions or inanimate objects. Like cars: if it works, you like it, perhaps even love it. If it stops working or has some regular mechanical problem, that car becomes an inconvenience, and is viewed as an inconvenience. It is the same with people; a person ceases to be a person when they become un-helpful; when there is no reward involved. Yeshua loved humanity because he understood and saw them as human. In spite of the vast expanse between His divine glory and human brokenness, He invited the ants to join Him in glory. How can we not do the same? People are human and broken, but Elohim Chayim (the living god), a being beyond description has and does love us infinitely. When we see people, we must no see them as potential rewards or incontinences. Not only for the sake of kindness and politeness should we do this, but because such a greater love, kindness and politeness has been bestowed upon us. Consider that next time someone annoys you.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

February 20- A letter to something you want to have

Dear ModBook Pro
... Maybe in a year or two. Its not Rebecca's time to be replaced or find a mate yet.
Waiting for an upgrade.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

February 19- A letter to something you’ve owned for 5 years+

Dear Hunter,
I remember naming you. You were almost taller than I was. You were taller than my sister. You are a good sword.
Wishing i was strong enough to wield you.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

February 17- A letter to an animal you like

Dear Lynx,
I like your face. That is all.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

February 16- A letter to anything you want

Dear coleslaw,

Does anyone ever actually pick you?

Sincerely, french fries.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

February 15- A letter to your bed

Dear bouncles,
Are you the one who comes up with my dreams? 
Stress-free sleeper.

February 14- A letter to your computer.

Dear Rebecca,
You are the most efficient, faithful, persevering secretary i have ever seen. You are, honestly, incredible.
Proud Boss

Sunday, February 13, 2011

February 13- A letter to a word you love

Dear Theoretically,
You cant prove it.... Yet...

Saturday, February 12, 2011

February 12- A letter to a word you don’t like

Dear Slovenly,
Why must you live in my room?
Trying to be a cleaner person.

February 11-A letter to a mythological creature

Dear Vampires,
There is nothing new under the sun. However, simply because you have to avoid sunlight doesn't mean that somehow your genre isn't dead. Taste the rays, Vlad.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

February 10- A letter to your last meal

Dear home made Noodles and Cheese,
Mixing egg noodles, shredded cheese, and ranch dressing as a comfort food makes no sense at all. THe applesauce on the sided didn't help.
Thankful for odd concoctions.

February 9- A letter to an alien race.

Dear Aliens,
Once again, are we talking Independence Day, Halo, AVP, or My favorite Martian? Or are you the ones who eat the bacteria the found on Mars.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

February 8- A letter to one of the coolest people you’ve never met

Dear Apple Representative who gave me a refurbished computer,
I owe you one,
Glad to have Rebecca (my computer) back

Monday, February 7, 2011

February 7- A letter to a giant space robot

Dear Robot dude,
Are we talking War of the Worlds, Transformers, or Battlestar Galactica here? Seriously it makes a huge difference...
Not sure whether to be afraid or track down Shia Labeouf

Sunday, February 6, 2011

February 6- A letter to a historical even

Dear Fall of Rome,
What caused you, really? Was it Santa?
Tired of hearing people blame the muslims.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

February 5- A letter to a celebrity you want to kick in the face

Dear Tom Hanks,
Get your philosophy strait, and then you might make a good movie again.

Sincerely, Tired of Hollywood.

Friday, February 4, 2011

February 4- A letter to your favorite super hero

Dear Question,
I wish i had your face.
Sincerely, Questions...

Thursday, February 3, 2011

February 3- A letter to a movie character

Dear V,
I really like your intentions, reasons, and goals. But unfortunately being a Left-Wing Anarchist is an oximoron. Read some of what your counterpart, Guy Fawkes actually said, you might be suprized.