I'm a married, employed, financially stable "adult". When did this Happen?

Monday, January 31, 2011
I expect to be changed this year, as i was in the year past. Only this time I'm asking for the change; wanting it, waiting for it, anticipating it. I want to know Elohi. To be remade by him. I hate me, but not in a negative way. I have understood that everything i thought was me is forfeit, and needs to be taken away before i can be refilled by the good things i wish were me. No wonder I used to be so miserable.
This year i expect to find joy in all kinds of new ways. I also expect to feel pain that i havent yet felt. Neither of these changes who I am going to be in El Roi (the God who sees me). I can't let my life be defined by pleasure seeking; a striving to relive or remember past joys like a high person trying to find his next fix. Nor can i life based on the hardships i go thru. Life sucks, but El Hanne'eman (The faithful God) doesnt change; he is with me in my highs and my lows. He is my steady place.
This year i expect many momentous events. At least two i know of: My Class mission trip to Isra'el, and Graduation. These are two experiences that mark a commencement of sorts for me. I want to begin life after college so badly. El Chaiyai (God of my life) had blessed me with college. I started late and am still finishing before most of my peers. In fact i will be finishing early even for verity standards. It worked out perfectly for me to join my class late.
What do i expect this year? I honestly dont know. I didnt know what to expect from 2010, and, even with all of its hurts, I am glad things turned out the way they did. I love my Adonai. Thats the best place i can be. I can only ask for more of the same.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
January 29- A picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then?
Frankly, what has changed in my life is hard to quantify. THis year has been without a doubt the most drastic of the years of my life as far as new things and unexpected things. I am closer now to who I want to be, but i still have a long way to go.
I look at people and myslef and the world differently I want different things. I expect different things. I am harder, but more beautiful, and i see the world as harder yet more Beautiful. I love different people for different reasons. I dont want the simple things that i wanted before, yet i want different simple things. I eat, dress, and work differently. These are my changes. These are my Diamond Eyes.
January 28- This year, in great detail
This time last year I was in love. Deeply. I absolutely believed, beyond any doubt I could conceive, that i would marry Rieola. I changed my major in college to be with her sooner. I planned my life around giving her a life.
I started at Verity. I suppose that has been the defining point of my year. At least everything that happened to me was redefined by the context of Verity. Good and bad, all were different because i was here. I was different. New people and a new place. It took me almost the whole year to realize this was my home. These were my new friends.
God was anew to me, I learnt so many lessons. Colossians 3:17 became my life verse for a time. It was what i wanted. The new people in my life liked me, and i was starting to like myself to a degree. David and Daniel were uplifting me and encouraging me. It was amazing. Love of Adonai Tseva'ot, friends, and A'Rieola.
The changes back home came so gradually i didnt notice. I distanced from friends slowly, watching them move on until, by the time summer came and i went home fro Veity, i felt like i had already lost them. As the moment came where i thought i could be with the one i loved, everything went the opposite of what i had planned. Everything changed. Everything.
The distant friendships i had been clinging onto collapsed, some by my doing, some by proxy, as i lost everything that had been my life to two years. I lost what i loved most. I still don't understand why. I spent the weeks of SSI with firends that i couldnt be freinds with. I was alone and crying inside while surrounded with people in a place that once had defined me.
I was in a new place. I was a new person. Six months had radically changed me. How could i expect SSi to be the same to me when i was not the same. I cant quantify how i was different, but i was. I wanted new and different things, though that was compounded by the loss of Rieola. Everything hurt. Memories were Everywhere. Home hurt.
I ran away as soon as I could, and found peace with my Adonai. Verity was safe for me. I forgot about the pain much faster than i believed i could. The crying only lasted a short time. I had a great summer with the others at schoo. I made firends and connected in a new way with others.
In the fall things got harder. its hard to say why exactly. I was a Senior. I became hard. Cruel, Distant. I Lost my love for Elohi and others around me. It was clear. Yet, at the same time i had a friend, a sister to fill some of the holes of abandonment i felt. At the same time she was totally new and fresh to me.
Even as i began to struggle with my hurts again, i felt new feelings for a new person arise. This i couldnt allow. I had loved before, and it had hurt. Moreso, I had loved and been wrong. I desire to connect and stay that way. Forever. Come hell and high water, i want to be with someone, to live for their betterment no matter what till i die. To make another connection like that on trivial feelings of attraction and crushes. My new sister, my best friend helped me thru that, as did the council of some of the Verity Leaders.
The fall led into winter faster than i could have imagined. I turned twenty. I found hte new challenge of Work-Study, which i enjoy beyond belief. School was going great. God began to prepare me for a trip to Isra'el ( a dream come true for me). Yet i was angry, sad, and alone, even in the social sphere of school
I left School in late november, dreading being home, dreading being back among the feelings and memories that i knew would torture me. Rieola wasnt there. All the love i had lost for her came flooding back. Yet i was new. I was different. And though i might have cried and struggled and fought, I survived.
I made it back to school, one year after starting. School was different. The firends i had were different. I was different.
I can't compare the person i was a year ago to the person i am now. I would like to, but its a hard thing to do. I know i am different, but it (in most cases) was a gradual change. I cant imagine being where i was then now. My goals are changed, and i like them. They suit me, rahter than Her and Me. I miss Rieola, but i cant really imagine being in love with her still. I have accepted that it ended, even as harshly as it did.
This year was defined by a total transformation. Both good and bad things happened, but i wouldn't change them. I can only pray that Adonai Roph'ekha will change me as much in the year to come as in the year past.
I started at Verity. I suppose that has been the defining point of my year. At least everything that happened to me was redefined by the context of Verity. Good and bad, all were different because i was here. I was different. New people and a new place. It took me almost the whole year to realize this was my home. These were my new friends.
God was anew to me, I learnt so many lessons. Colossians 3:17 became my life verse for a time. It was what i wanted. The new people in my life liked me, and i was starting to like myself to a degree. David and Daniel were uplifting me and encouraging me. It was amazing. Love of Adonai Tseva'ot, friends, and A'Rieola.
The changes back home came so gradually i didnt notice. I distanced from friends slowly, watching them move on until, by the time summer came and i went home fro Veity, i felt like i had already lost them. As the moment came where i thought i could be with the one i loved, everything went the opposite of what i had planned. Everything changed. Everything.
The distant friendships i had been clinging onto collapsed, some by my doing, some by proxy, as i lost everything that had been my life to two years. I lost what i loved most. I still don't understand why. I spent the weeks of SSI with firends that i couldnt be freinds with. I was alone and crying inside while surrounded with people in a place that once had defined me.
I was in a new place. I was a new person. Six months had radically changed me. How could i expect SSi to be the same to me when i was not the same. I cant quantify how i was different, but i was. I wanted new and different things, though that was compounded by the loss of Rieola. Everything hurt. Memories were Everywhere. Home hurt.
I ran away as soon as I could, and found peace with my Adonai. Verity was safe for me. I forgot about the pain much faster than i believed i could. The crying only lasted a short time. I had a great summer with the others at schoo. I made firends and connected in a new way with others.
In the fall things got harder. its hard to say why exactly. I was a Senior. I became hard. Cruel, Distant. I Lost my love for Elohi and others around me. It was clear. Yet, at the same time i had a friend, a sister to fill some of the holes of abandonment i felt. At the same time she was totally new and fresh to me.
Even as i began to struggle with my hurts again, i felt new feelings for a new person arise. This i couldnt allow. I had loved before, and it had hurt. Moreso, I had loved and been wrong. I desire to connect and stay that way. Forever. Come hell and high water, i want to be with someone, to live for their betterment no matter what till i die. To make another connection like that on trivial feelings of attraction and crushes. My new sister, my best friend helped me thru that, as did the council of some of the Verity Leaders.
The fall led into winter faster than i could have imagined. I turned twenty. I found hte new challenge of Work-Study, which i enjoy beyond belief. School was going great. God began to prepare me for a trip to Isra'el ( a dream come true for me). Yet i was angry, sad, and alone, even in the social sphere of school
I left School in late november, dreading being home, dreading being back among the feelings and memories that i knew would torture me. Rieola wasnt there. All the love i had lost for her came flooding back. Yet i was new. I was different. And though i might have cried and struggled and fought, I survived.
I made it back to school, one year after starting. School was different. The firends i had were different. I was different.
I can't compare the person i was a year ago to the person i am now. I would like to, but its a hard thing to do. I know i am different, but it (in most cases) was a gradual change. I cant imagine being where i was then now. My goals are changed, and i like them. They suit me, rahter than Her and Me. I miss Rieola, but i cant really imagine being in love with her still. I have accepted that it ended, even as harshly as it did.
This year was defined by a total transformation. Both good and bad things happened, but i wouldn't change them. I can only pray that Adonai Roph'ekha will change me as much in the year to come as in the year past.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
January 27- This month, in great detail
Well this month was the start of this year. It has been an amazing growing experience. I came back to school in much the same condition as i left it. Not really the best. I was still offensive and annoying to people because i believed thats just who i was. I have tired to change that about myself for years, but it has never worked.
So much has happened this month, and its hard to remember it all, especially for me. My memory sucks. Fortunately i keep a journal of Letters to my future wife.
The first week was re adjusting for a lot fo people, i had a faster time of it cause i was here a few days early. people didn't really change much over break, but the school itself was different somehow. It seems like no time at all had really passed soon.
I was gettingot know the guy RA's a little better, and saw some new places to put my focus in. Workstudy is much harder, and there as a lot to figure out in Joshs absence. I've done pretty well at establishing my own system, which i think will work fine.
John challenged be on who i thought i was. That was a big turning point for me, and since then many people have commented on how i have changed. I'm not really siure how i feel about that.
Mission trip stuff is moving. Slowly,. but it is moving. Im still working on faith in Elohai who can do the impossible. We have much ground to cover but the business ventures we are going on have many of us excited. We will make it.
It took some time but im beginnignt o balance out what is now an incredibly busy scedule. Classes, Coursework, Hebrew, Mission Trip Prep, Workstudy. I have Twospeeches, two reseach papers, my daily letters, this daily blog, daily Old South asignments, and a brain training program im going thru. I have missed two weeks of the Jewish dancing class i promised to attend, but no more. I also have not been working out in the Am cause i am constantly exhausted.
It has been a cool month, and I am acutally glad to see how this year will turn out. It will be great, i have faith.
So much has happened this month, and its hard to remember it all, especially for me. My memory sucks. Fortunately i keep a journal of Letters to my future wife.
The first week was re adjusting for a lot fo people, i had a faster time of it cause i was here a few days early. people didn't really change much over break, but the school itself was different somehow. It seems like no time at all had really passed soon.
I was gettingot know the guy RA's a little better, and saw some new places to put my focus in. Workstudy is much harder, and there as a lot to figure out in Joshs absence. I've done pretty well at establishing my own system, which i think will work fine.
John challenged be on who i thought i was. That was a big turning point for me, and since then many people have commented on how i have changed. I'm not really siure how i feel about that.
Mission trip stuff is moving. Slowly,. but it is moving. Im still working on faith in Elohai who can do the impossible. We have much ground to cover but the business ventures we are going on have many of us excited. We will make it.
It took some time but im beginnignt o balance out what is now an incredibly busy scedule. Classes, Coursework, Hebrew, Mission Trip Prep, Workstudy. I have Twospeeches, two reseach papers, my daily letters, this daily blog, daily Old South asignments, and a brain training program im going thru. I have missed two weeks of the Jewish dancing class i promised to attend, but no more. I also have not been working out in the Am cause i am constantly exhausted.
It has been a cool month, and I am acutally glad to see how this year will turn out. It will be great, i have faith.
January 26- Your week, in great detail
Sunday: Woke up for church, and went to College park sunday school for the first time. Got back around one and worked on speeches most of the rest of the day.
Monday: Chapel was easy to run this week, which is nice, but i started organizing the equipment in the back of the chapel. It will be good to have that clean. Encouragment groups went ok, but some members of my group were too detached.
I didnt get any studying done in the morning, but we had class, so i did learn a little about am lit. In the afternoon i got lesson 3 of old south done, which is very nice, cause ive been working on it for a few days.
Dinner bothered me for some reason so i skipped class prayer that night and stayed in my room. I eventually did go to class prauyer, only to pray with Chuck. That was encouraging.
Tuesday: Little trouble with the new mics i found for the chapel, but i think i can get it to work. I'm becoming better and better at running this station by the day. Dr. Castelino spoke, and I wrote my letters.
Finally got to studying, then went to a meeting about my work-study with charity and Alyssa.It is good to have a few things cleared up. my job is more defined now. I got a little work done tuesday afternoon, including another lesson in Old south. I had to pause halfway thru the lesson for symposium.
I got the whole lesson done and some hebrew in time fore the SOTU address.
Wednesday: Was up late talking so slept in and took a nap during chapel. First morning of uninterrupted study all week. I needed that.
Spent most of hte afternoon on lesson 5 of Oldsouth, got it done just in tiem for dinner. I took some naps during my lesson as well. I was pretty tired.
Missed Dancing becuas ei had a meeting for the mission trip,. but i got two lessons of hebrew done and got to play some slap uno with Ruthie, Peter, Jacob, David, Gem, Scott and her. Tried to go to bed at a decent time, but failed under the need to do some person life reorganizing and letter writing.
Today: Missed workout again. Split chappel. I wrote my letters in chappel. Went out business hopping at ten, and had an amazing time. Lots of success. Im excuited for the auction.
Got back halfway thru lunch, then took my practice test just in time for the class we had on the practice test. I think i just might be ready for this test.
Monday: Chapel was easy to run this week, which is nice, but i started organizing the equipment in the back of the chapel. It will be good to have that clean. Encouragment groups went ok, but some members of my group were too detached.
I didnt get any studying done in the morning, but we had class, so i did learn a little about am lit. In the afternoon i got lesson 3 of old south done, which is very nice, cause ive been working on it for a few days.
Dinner bothered me for some reason so i skipped class prayer that night and stayed in my room. I eventually did go to class prauyer, only to pray with Chuck. That was encouraging.
Tuesday: Little trouble with the new mics i found for the chapel, but i think i can get it to work. I'm becoming better and better at running this station by the day. Dr. Castelino spoke, and I wrote my letters.
Finally got to studying, then went to a meeting about my work-study with charity and Alyssa.It is good to have a few things cleared up. my job is more defined now. I got a little work done tuesday afternoon, including another lesson in Old south. I had to pause halfway thru the lesson for symposium.
I got the whole lesson done and some hebrew in time fore the SOTU address.
Wednesday: Was up late talking so slept in and took a nap during chapel. First morning of uninterrupted study all week. I needed that.
Spent most of hte afternoon on lesson 5 of Oldsouth, got it done just in tiem for dinner. I took some naps during my lesson as well. I was pretty tired.
Missed Dancing becuas ei had a meeting for the mission trip,. but i got two lessons of hebrew done and got to play some slap uno with Ruthie, Peter, Jacob, David, Gem, Scott and her. Tried to go to bed at a decent time, but failed under the need to do some person life reorganizing and letter writing.
Today: Missed workout again. Split chappel. I wrote my letters in chappel. Went out business hopping at ten, and had an amazing time. Lots of success. Im excuited for the auction.
Got back halfway thru lunch, then took my practice test just in time for the class we had on the practice test. I think i just might be ready for this test.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
January 25- Your day, in great detail
I woke up this morning to either my cell phone alarm or my ipod alarm, I can't remember which. It was still a few minutes before 5:30, so i laid in bed till David's alarm went off. We both rolled out of bed and headed immediately to the Guys Lounge for P90X, Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps. Micah joined us shortly thereafter, during the warm up. I used the bands through most of the workout. Micah had a hard time with it at first, but over time I'm sure he will get stronger. Steven joined us shortly after we started.
C,S,&T is a hard workout, so by the time we were done my arms were sore. We finished stgron with Ab Ripper at 6:49, and I made a b-line for the shower. I Made it to breakfast later than i used to, but i plan to make a habit of not getting to meals the moment they open, so it was fine. I sat With Josh Ingersoll, Joel Anders, Swann, Charlie Johnson, Squirrel, and Johanna Stone. I listened half hartedly as they discussed politics, which eventually turned into "How to take over the world" or some such nonsense. Per usual my eyes ere bigger than my stomach and I got way too much food, and didnt eat it all.
My Bag over My shoulder i went up to chapel, where i spent most of the hour organizing the mess of equipment and cords at the soundboard. It is the first step of the reorganization of the AV department.
After chapel i talked with David and Jacob very briefly before heading up to the library to wait for my meeting with Charity. We talked about the work that I have ahead in recording classes, and producing dvds. I just want to make my department more efficient.
I continued studying American Literature flashcards. I'm not doing so well on that. I hope to be testing on friday for it. I have a long way to go. I really didn't do well on them today. Sat across from Ruth and Macy, occasionally helping them with US2.
Lunch came and went, and i went back to studying, focusing on Old South. I hadn't read my textbook, which was the focus of the discussion questions. To be honest i was rather distracted. I got several questions answered, but still had several more when symposium hit.
Symposium was pretty good. There was a little confusion about the new mic system I have put in. Swann gave a speech on the Braille system to start. Renee was given an Impromptu on the state of the union address. Jesse gave a speech on Football, followed by Justices impromptu on the fall of the Roman Empire. Chris ended strong with a speech on the miracles that his family has been guided through.
Dinner was enjoyable, listening to David tell stories about the army and basic training.
Once again, back to studying after dinner. I attempted to finish up my coursework, but sleep was catching me. After a few energy drinks (aka fruit juice) i was able to finish the Assignment and submit it and the corresponding quiz before heading up for the State of The Union address, where I am now.
Listening tot he interactions of Verity staff as I watch has made the whole address far more fun. We have such great minds in this school
I'm looking forward to tomorrow.
C,S,&T is a hard workout, so by the time we were done my arms were sore. We finished stgron with Ab Ripper at 6:49, and I made a b-line for the shower. I Made it to breakfast later than i used to, but i plan to make a habit of not getting to meals the moment they open, so it was fine. I sat With Josh Ingersoll, Joel Anders, Swann, Charlie Johnson, Squirrel, and Johanna Stone. I listened half hartedly as they discussed politics, which eventually turned into "How to take over the world" or some such nonsense. Per usual my eyes ere bigger than my stomach and I got way too much food, and didnt eat it all.
My Bag over My shoulder i went up to chapel, where i spent most of the hour organizing the mess of equipment and cords at the soundboard. It is the first step of the reorganization of the AV department.
After chapel i talked with David and Jacob very briefly before heading up to the library to wait for my meeting with Charity. We talked about the work that I have ahead in recording classes, and producing dvds. I just want to make my department more efficient.
I continued studying American Literature flashcards. I'm not doing so well on that. I hope to be testing on friday for it. I have a long way to go. I really didn't do well on them today. Sat across from Ruth and Macy, occasionally helping them with US2.
Lunch came and went, and i went back to studying, focusing on Old South. I hadn't read my textbook, which was the focus of the discussion questions. To be honest i was rather distracted. I got several questions answered, but still had several more when symposium hit.
Symposium was pretty good. There was a little confusion about the new mic system I have put in. Swann gave a speech on the Braille system to start. Renee was given an Impromptu on the state of the union address. Jesse gave a speech on Football, followed by Justices impromptu on the fall of the Roman Empire. Chris ended strong with a speech on the miracles that his family has been guided through.
Dinner was enjoyable, listening to David tell stories about the army and basic training.
Once again, back to studying after dinner. I attempted to finish up my coursework, but sleep was catching me. After a few energy drinks (aka fruit juice) i was able to finish the Assignment and submit it and the corresponding quiz before heading up for the State of The Union address, where I am now.
Listening tot he interactions of Verity staff as I watch has made the whole address far more fun. We have such great minds in this school
I'm looking forward to tomorrow.
Monday, January 24, 2011
January 24- What I would find in your bag
1. My Letters/Journal pen
2. My Hebrew Notebook
3. My Hebrew Dictionary
4. Rebecca
5. Rebeccas Power Cable
6. My Bible
7. My Prayer Shawl
8. Sharpies
2. My Hebrew Notebook
3. My Hebrew Dictionary
4. Rebecca
5. Rebeccas Power Cable
6. My Bible
7. My Prayer Shawl
8. Sharpies
January 23- A letter to your parents
Dad, Mom,
I would like to say that this would be a long letter, but I'm afraid it cant be. I dont have much to say. I love you both. Looking at my life now, i wouldnt have asked you to do anything differently. I love who I am, and how my life is. Even with the things that are "wrong" in my life, i dont want them to change. I love the way my family is. The sturggles we have had together are ours, they shape us. You Both did exactly what you were supposed to do. I love you for it. I dont want things to be different. God is smarter than that, and so are you.
Thank you both.
I love you.
I would like to say that this would be a long letter, but I'm afraid it cant be. I dont have much to say. I love you both. Looking at my life now, i wouldnt have asked you to do anything differently. I love who I am, and how my life is. Even with the things that are "wrong" in my life, i dont want them to change. I love the way my family is. The sturggles we have had together are ours, they shape us. You Both did exactly what you were supposed to do. I love you for it. I dont want things to be different. God is smarter than that, and so are you.
Thank you both.
I love you.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Friday, January 21, 2011
January 21- A recipe
Chicken Rustica
I used to work at a Gourmet Restaurant, and this was my favorite meal there. I replicated it at home a few times on my own with a general knowledge of what was in it. It's been a long time, though, so I'm not sure how well I remember.
I'm not goo d with Recipes, but i can at least describe it, and maybe you can give it a try. IT IS VERY INEXACT, SO TRY AT YOUR OWN RISK
Soften some cream cheese and mix it with your favorite shredded cheese, I preferr mozz. Add finely diced pepperoni, and pine nuts or sunflower seeds if you want a crunch. Add parsley, basil and chives.
Using a knife, open a slit inside some uncooked, thawed chicken breasts and stuff them with the softened cheese mixture. Coat in marinara sauce and bake until chicken is thoroughly cooked.
I used to work at a Gourmet Restaurant, and this was my favorite meal there. I replicated it at home a few times on my own with a general knowledge of what was in it. It's been a long time, though, so I'm not sure how well I remember.
I'm not goo d with Recipes, but i can at least describe it, and maybe you can give it a try. IT IS VERY INEXACT, SO TRY AT YOUR OWN RISK
Soften some cream cheese and mix it with your favorite shredded cheese, I preferr mozz. Add finely diced pepperoni, and pine nuts or sunflower seeds if you want a crunch. Add parsley, basil and chives.
Using a knife, open a slit inside some uncooked, thawed chicken breasts and stuff them with the softened cheese mixture. Coat in marinara sauce and bake until chicken is thoroughly cooked.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
January 20- A hobby of yours
I like to write, and I study Martial Arts.
I've been trying to learn hebrew recently.
I've been trying to learn hebrew recently.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
I was reading this today, and it just really struck me as cool. This is the guy i am named for. I think my parents did a good job.
Yochanan 1:47
Philip : "We've found the one that Moshe wrote about in the Torah, also the prophets- it's Yeshua Ben-Yosef from Natzeret!"
Natan'el : "Natzeret? Can anything good come from there?"
Philip: "Come and see,"
Yeshua saw Natan'el coming toward him
Yeshua: "Here's a true son of Isra'el- Nothing false in him!"
Natan'el: "How so you know me?"
Yeshua: "Before Philip called you, when you were under the fig tree i saw you."
Natan'el : "Rabbi, you are the Son of God! You are the King of Isra'el!
Yeshua: "You believe all this just because I told you I saw you under the fig tree? You will see greater things than that! Yes, indeed! I tell you that you will see heaven Opened and the angels of God going up and coming down on the Son of Man!
Yochanan 1:47
Philip : "We've found the one that Moshe wrote about in the Torah, also the prophets- it's Yeshua Ben-Yosef from Natzeret!"
Natan'el : "Natzeret? Can anything good come from there?"
Philip: "Come and see,"
Yeshua saw Natan'el coming toward him
Yeshua: "Here's a true son of Isra'el- Nothing false in him!"
Natan'el: "How so you know me?"
Yeshua: "Before Philip called you, when you were under the fig tree i saw you."
Natan'el : "Rabbi, you are the Son of God! You are the King of Isra'el!
Yeshua: "You believe all this just because I told you I saw you under the fig tree? You will see greater things than that! Yes, indeed! I tell you that you will see heaven Opened and the angels of God going up and coming down on the Son of Man!
Yochanan 1:12-13
But to as many as did receive him, to those who put their trust in His person and power, he gave the right to become children of God, not because of bloodline, physical impulse, or human intention, but because of God.
January 19- Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why
I think i am taking this differently than the list intends. Its not that i actually want to switch lives with someone, but rather I'd like to have an adventure in a new situation for a day. I would probably choose an actor or the President. I would love to do those two jobs for a day. Just too have the experience. I think those would be fun.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
January 18- Nicknames you have; why do you have them
I give myself names based on what i am going through and how I define myself during a given time period
Firefly- This name marked an angsty teenage period. Not much to say about it, save that I made many mistakes under this name. Wouldn't change anything, but this was not my favorite name.
Antien- Elvish for Nathan. Means Gift. I gave myself this name and a few have called me that over the past four years.
Antirihen- A revision of the phonetic pronunciation of Antien, meaning Diamond eyes. I redid my old name after my heart was broken. I lost most of my friends and connection to a group of people i loved all at once. A lot of pain changed who I was, and how I saw the world, and so I felt it was time for a different name.
I looked over my life over the past year, and took notes about how the things i had gone through had always had a reason. I had lost a college that I really wanted, a car I absolutely loved, a group of people who cared about me, and the woman I loved. Yet each time (save for the last example), what i lost provided the way for me to receive something better. With this understanding, my eyes changed. I saw the world as more hard but more beautiful. I had, in a hyperbolic, literary standpoint, I now had "Diamond eyes". Thus the name
Aiden- A Name given to me. Means "Little fire". I think it suits my personality. I like it because it comes from a unique viewpoint of my life. Its one of few nicknames i have been given, rather than giving myself. It is a name that expresses how someone else sees me, which i like.
Firefly- This name marked an angsty teenage period. Not much to say about it, save that I made many mistakes under this name. Wouldn't change anything, but this was not my favorite name.
Antien- Elvish for Nathan. Means Gift. I gave myself this name and a few have called me that over the past four years.
Antirihen- A revision of the phonetic pronunciation of Antien, meaning Diamond eyes. I redid my old name after my heart was broken. I lost most of my friends and connection to a group of people i loved all at once. A lot of pain changed who I was, and how I saw the world, and so I felt it was time for a different name.
I looked over my life over the past year, and took notes about how the things i had gone through had always had a reason. I had lost a college that I really wanted, a car I absolutely loved, a group of people who cared about me, and the woman I loved. Yet each time (save for the last example), what i lost provided the way for me to receive something better. With this understanding, my eyes changed. I saw the world as more hard but more beautiful. I had, in a hyperbolic, literary standpoint, I now had "Diamond eyes". Thus the name
Aiden- A Name given to me. Means "Little fire". I think it suits my personality. I like it because it comes from a unique viewpoint of my life. Its one of few nicknames i have been given, rather than giving myself. It is a name that expresses how someone else sees me, which i like.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Day 15- A letter to someone who has hurt you recently
Dear *********,
So yeah, I don’t understand alot of things that happened. You ripped my heart out. I know I must have hurt you somehow. I don’t understand how, and I don’t really want to anymore.
I know that from the beginning, I expected you to leave. I came to you pretty broken, and while I healed alot while we were close, I never once claimed to be perfect. I told you you would walk away. I tried to leave more than once and you promised me a family that would never leave. Thats a promise you broke.
You were it. I was in for life. I never questioned that. Not once.
I don’t hate you. I’m not angry with you. I understand that I probably deserved what I got. I have sinned against El Malei Rachamim (God, the all merciful) so much. I continually slap Him in the face by my life, and yet he has forgiven me without question. It amazes me the extent of his mercy. I can’t hold this against you… you were my sister… how could I?
So yeah, I don’t understand alot of things that happened. You ripped my heart out. I know I must have hurt you somehow. I don’t understand how, and I don’t really want to anymore.
I know that from the beginning, I expected you to leave. I came to you pretty broken, and while I healed alot while we were close, I never once claimed to be perfect. I told you you would walk away. I tried to leave more than once and you promised me a family that would never leave. Thats a promise you broke.
You were it. I was in for life. I never questioned that. Not once.
I don’t hate you. I’m not angry with you. I understand that I probably deserved what I got. I have sinned against El Malei Rachamim (God, the all merciful) so much. I continually slap Him in the face by my life, and yet he has forgiven me without question. It amazes me the extent of his mercy. I can’t hold this against you… you were my sister… how could I?
365 Day Challenge. This is the shape of my year.
This is the list of days for my next year. One post, each and ever possible day. Here is my guide. Check it out.
January 1- A recent picture of you and 10 interesting facts about yourself
January 2- The meaning behind your Tumblr name
January 3- A picture of you and your friends
January 4- A habit that you wish you didn’t have
January 5- Your favorite quote
January 6- A picture of somewhere you’ve been to
January 7- A photo that makes you happy
January 8- A photo that makes you angry/sad
January 9- Day 09- Favorite super hero and why
January 10- Plans/dreams/goals you have
January 11- A dream you have had
January 12- Long term goals for this year
January 13- Something you’re proud of in the past few days
January 14- How you found out about Tumblr and why you made one
January 15- A letter to someone who has hurt you recently
January 16- Another picture of yourself
January 17- A picture of you and your family
January 18- Nicknames you have; why do you have them
January 19- Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why
January 20- A hobby of yours
January 21- A recipe
January 22- A website
January 23- A letter to your parents
January 24- What I would find in your bag
January 25- Your day, in great detail
January 26- Your week, in great detail
January 27- This month, in great detail
January 28- This year, in great detail
January 29- A picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then?
January 30- Who are you?
January 31- What do you expect in the rest of this year?
February 1- A letter to an inanimate object you hate.
February 2- A letter to a dinosaur.
February 3- A letter to a movie character
February 4- A letter to your favorite super hero
February 5- A letter to a celebrity you want to kick in the face
February 6- A letter to a historical event
February 7- A letter to a giant space robot
February 8- A letter to one of the coolest people you’ve never met
February 9- A letter to an alien race.
February 10- A letter to your last meal
February 11-A letter to a mythological creature
February 12- A letter to a word you don’t like
February 13- A letter to a word you love
February 14- A letter to your computer.
February 15- A letter to your bed
February 16- A letter to anything you want
February 17- A letter to an animal you like
February 18- A letter to an animal you think is stupid
February 19- A letter to something you’ve owned for 5 years+
February 20- A letter to something you want to have
February 21- A letter to the food of your choice.
February 22- A letter to one of your roommate
February 23- A letter to The President
February 24- A letter to the future cyborg version of you
February 25- A letter to a composer
February 26- A letter to a movie you hate
February 27- A letter to a letter you’ve written
February 28- A letter to a bowl of fruit
March 1- Why are you doing this challenge?
March 2- List ten people who you would die for.
March 3- Is the truth always good to hear? Why or why not?
March 4- Words you live by. Why do you like them?
March 5- Write a letter to someone you’ve never met.
March 6- Write a letter to the person you’re closest to.
March 7- What was on your last shopping list?
March 8- If you could have anyone next to you right now, who would it be and why?
March 9- How do you feel about yourself?
March 10- How do you react if the person next to you is crying?
March 11- You’re locked in a big closet with 3 people, who are they, how did you get locked in the closet, and what are you doing?
March 12- Choose a song that sums up the year you’ve been having so far.
March 13- If you ever ended up in jail, what crime would you have most likely committed?
March 14- Your life story in three words.
March 15- A prank you’ve pulled on someone and a prank someone’s pulled on you.
March 16- What is your biggest fear right now?
March 17- Your favorite childhood memory.
March 18- If you were going to have 10 kids, 5 girls, 5 boys, what would their names be? (first or full names)
March 19- Have you ever ran away? If not, would you?
March 20- If you could have a world of your own, what would it be like? Who would be there? What would you do there?
March 21- Something you’re ashamed of.
March 22- Something you’re proud of.
March 23- What is your passion? How did it become so?
March 24- Tell us about the first time you fell in love.
March 25- Are you a rebel or do you like going with the flow? Why?
March 26- A time when you hurt someone’s feelings but don’t regret it.
March 27- List 5 things you want to do in your life.
March 28- Your most prized possesion and why.
March 29- A place where you feel most comfortable. A person you feel most comfortable with.
March 30- When and where are you?
March 31- Who are you?
April 1- Your Best Friend
April 2- Your Crush
April 3- Your parents
April 4- Your sibling (or closest relative)
April 5- Your dreams
April 6- A stranger
April 7- Your Ex-boyfriend/girlfriend/love/crush
April 8- Your favorite internet friend
April 9- Someone you wish you could meet
April 10- Someone you don’t talk to as much as you’d like to
April 11- A Deceased person you wish you could talk to
April 12- The person you hate most/caused you a lot of pain
April 13- Someone you wish could forgive you
April 14- Someone you’ve drifted away from
April 15- The person you miss the most
April 16- Someone that’s not in your state/country
April 17- Someone from your childhood
April 18- The person that you wish you could be
April 19- Someone that pesters your mind—good or bad
April 20- The one that broke your heart the hardest
April 21- Someone you judged by their first impression
April 22- Someone you want to give a second chance to
April 23- The last person you hugged
April 24- The person that gave you your favorite memory
April 25- The person you know that is going through the worst of times
April 26- The last person you laughed with
April 27- The friendliest person you knew for only one day
April 28- Someone that changed your life
April 29- Your past self/you 5 years ago
April 30- Your reflection in the mirror
May 1st 1. Your facebook profile photo
May 2nd 2. A photo of yourself a year ago
May 3rd 3. A photo that makes you happy
May 4th 4. A photo of the last place you went on holiday
May 5th 5. A photo of you
May 6th 6. A photo that makes you laugh
May 7th 7. A photo of someone you love
May 8th 8. A photo of your favourite band/musician
May 9th 9. A photo of your family
May 10th 10. A photo of you as a baby
May 11th 11. A photo of your favourite film(s)
May 12th 12. A photo of you
May 13th 13. A photo of a group of your friends
May 14th 14. A photo of one of your favourite family members
May 15th 15. A photo of you and someone you love
May 16th 16. A photo of you at the last party you went to
May 17th 17. A photo of you in costume
May 18th 18. A photo of one of your classes
May 19th 19. A photo of you on a school trip
May 20th 20. A photo of something you enjoy doing
May 21st 21. A photo of you standing up
May 22nd 22. A photo of your town
May 23rd 23. A photo of your friend as a baby
May 24th 24. A photo of you that your hair looks nice in
May 25th 25. A photo of a night you loved
May 26th 26. A photo of your favourite weekend
May 27th 27. A photo of last summer
May 28th 28. A photo of what you ate today
May 29th 29. A photo of someone you find attractive
May 30th 30. A photo of you when you were happy
May 31st 31. A Photo of Graduation
June 1st Your favorite song
June 2nd Your least favorite song
June 3rd A song that makes you happy
June 4th A song that makes you sad
June 5th A song that reminds you of someone
June 6th A song that reminds you of somewhere
June 7th A song that reminds you of a certain event
June 8th A song that you know all the words to
June 9th A song that you can dance to
June 10th A song that makes you fall asleep
June 11th A song from your favorite band
June 12th A song from a band you hate
June 13th A song that is a guilty pleasure
June 14th A song that no one would expect you to love
June 15th A song that describes you
June 16th A song that you used to love but now hate
June 17th A song that you hear often on the radio
June 18th A song that you wish you heard on the radio
June 19th A song from your favorite album
June 20th A song that you listen to when you’re angry
June 21st A song that you listen to when you’re happy
June 22nd A song that you listen to when you’re sad
June 23rd A song that you want to play at your wedding
June 24th A song that you want to play at your funeral
June 25th A song that makes you laugh
June 26th A song that you can play on an instrument
June 27th A song that you wish you could play
June 28th A song that makes you feel guilty
June 29th A song from your childhood
June 30th Your favorite song at this time last year
July 1st A show that should have never been canceled
July 2nd A show that you wish more people were watching
July 3rd Your favorite new show ( aired this t.v season)
July 4th Your favorite show ever
July 5th A show you hate
July 6th Favorite episode of your favorite t.v show
July 7th Least favorite episode of your favorite t.v show
July 8th A show everyone should watch
July 9th Best scene ever
July 10th A show you thought you wouldn’t like but ended up loving
July 11th A show that disappointed you
July 12th An episode you’ve watched more than 5 times
July 13th Favorite childhood show
July 14th Favorite male character
July 15th Favorite female character
July 16th Your guilty pleasure show
July 17th Favorite mini series
July 18th Favorite title sequence
July 19th Best t.v show cast
July 20th Favorite kiss
July 21st Favorite ship
July 22nd Favorite series finale
July 23rd Most annoying character
July 24th Best quote
July 25th A show you plan on watching (old or new)
July 26th OMG WTF? Season finale
July 27th Best pilot episode
July 28th First t.v show obsession
July 29th Current t.v show obsession
July 30th Saddest character death
July 31st Best character change-growth
August 1st Love.
August 2nd Confidence.
August 3rd Racism
August 4th Our generation
August 5th Haters
August 6th Followers
August 7th Tumblr
August 8th Bestfriends
August 9th Wants and Needs
August 10th The Presidency
August 11th Global Warming
August 12th Men
August 13th Women
August 14th Appearance
August 15th Education
August 16th Dating
August 17th Blogging
August 18th Stereotypes
August 19th School
August 20th Your future
August 21st Teenagers
August 22nd A Current Event
August 23rd Jealousy
August 24th Guilt
August 25th Regrets
August 26th The world
August 27th Your parents
August 28th Pop Culture
August 29th Your ex
August 30th You.
August 31st God
September 1st Something you hate about yourself.
September 2nd Something you love about yourself.
September 3rd Something you have to forgive yourself for.
September 4th Something you have to forgive someone for.
September 5th Something you hope to do in your life.
September 6th Something you hope you never have to do.
September 7th Someone who has made your life worth living.
September 8th Someone who made your life hell, or treated you wrongly.
September 9th Someone you didn’t want to let go, but just drifted.
September 10th Someone you need to let go, or wish you didn’t know.
September 11th Something people seem to compliment you the most on.
September 12th Something you never get compliments on.
September 13th Something that has gotten you through hard moments in life.
September 14th Someone who has been a hero to you.
September 15th Something or someone you couldn’t live without, because you’ve tried living without it.
September 16th Someone or something you definitely could live without.
September 17th A book you’ve read that changed your views on something.
September 18th Your views on gay marriage.
September 19th Your views on faith and religion
September 20th Your views on drugs and alcohol.
September 21st (scenario) Your best friend is in a car accident and you two got into a fight an hour before. What do you do?
September 22nd Something you wish you hadn’t done in your life.
September 23rd Something you wish you had done in your life.
September 24th Make a playlist to someone, and explain why you chose all the songs.
September 25th The reason you believe you’re still alive today.
September 26th Have you ever thought about giving up on life? If so, when and why?
September 27th What’s the best thing going for you right now?
September 28th (scenario) Your parents die in a car accident. What do you do?
September 29th Something you hope to change about yourself. And why.
September 30th A letter to yourself, tell yourself EVERYTHING you love about yourself.
October 1st TV Shows
October 2nd Movies
October 3rd Presidents
October 4th Firearms
October 5th Foods
October 6th Activities
October 7th Colors
October 8th GIFs
October 9th Pictures
October 10th Pictures of yourself (with or without yourself)
October 11th Websites
October 12th Pie Flavors
October 13th People
October 14th TV/Movie Romances
October 15th Book Characters
October 16th People in your life
October 17th Places in the World
October 18th Video Games
October 19th Drinks
October 20th Genres of Music
October 21st Music Artists
October 22nd Songs
October 23rd Actresses
October 24th Actors
October 25th Daredevil things you want to do
October 26th Sports
October 27th Places you have been
October 28th TV Channel
October 29th Books
October 30th Book Series
October 31st Books of the bible
November 1st Find a novel or short story, copy down the last sentence and use this line as the first line of your new story.
November 2nd Tell about a character who lost something important to him/her.
November 3rd Write about the worst time you’ve ever put your foot in your mouth.
November 4th Write a story/excerpt to include the line, “Sorry, we can’t insure you for a journey like that.”
November 5th Pick out everything in two rows of the supermarket starting with the same letter.
November 6th Write about a person who would buy all of those items in Day 5.
November 7th What sets you apart from the crowd?
November 8th Tell a day in your life from someone else’s point of view.
November 9th What was your favorite childhood toy?
November 10th What do you want to be remembered for?
November 11th Write about your favorite childhood toy.
November 12th Write a short story with characthers based on you and yoru friends.
November 13th What is your favorite day of the week?
November 14th Write about the random picture you find in frames at the store
November 15th Elvis still gets 100 Valentines each year. Tell about one of the people who sent one.
November 16th Create a character who is falsely accused of a crime.
November 17th If we assume ghosts are real, what type of ghost would you like to see?
November 18th Write a short scenario set in the kitchen of a fast-food restaurant.
November 19th Take a reader behind the wheel with the worst driver you’ve ever known.
November 20th Write a list of things you want to do in your life.
November 21st If you could go on only one more vacation in your lifetime, where would you go and why?
November 22nd Find a job ad in the paper. Write about your life if you had that job.
November 23rd You wake up with a key gripped tightly in your hand. How did you get this key? What does it lock or unlock?
November 24th Pretend you’re a cartoon character. What type of a character would you be? What would a day in your life be like?
November 25th Write about the longest amount of time you’ve ever gone without sleeping.
November 26th Write about your worst habit.
November 27th Make up a near-death experience (unless you have a real one).
November 28th You read about yourself in your brother/sister, girlfriend/boyfriend’s diary. What did you read?
November 29th You are at a cemetery reading gravestones. Write about one of the people you find.
November 30th Write a short entry that ends with the line, “The silver dust of moonlight settled coldly on the night.”
December 1st Best book you read last year
December 2nd A book that you’ve read more than 3 times
December 3rd Your favorite series
December 4th Favorite book of your favorite series
December 5th A book that makes you happy
December 6th A book that makes you sad
December 7th Most underrated book
December 8th Most overrated book
December 9th A book you thought you wouldn’t like but ended up loving
December 10th Favorite classic book
December 11th A book you hated
December 12th A book you used to love but don’t anymore
December 13th Your favorite writer
December 14th Favorite book of your favorite writer
December 15th Favorite male character
December 16th Favorite female character
December 17th Favorite quote from your favorite book
December 18th A book that disappointed you
December 19th Favorite book turned into a movie
December 20th Favorite romance book
December 21st Favorite book from your childhood
December 22nd Favorite book you own
December 23rd A book you wanted to read for a long time but still haven’t
December 24th A book that you wish more people would’ve read
December 25th A character who you can relate to the most
December 26th A book that changed your opinion about something
December 27th The most surprising plot twist or ending
December 28th Favorite title
December 29th A book everyone hated but you liked
December 30th Your favorite book of all time
December 31th Favorite Book of the Bible
January 1- A recent picture of you and 10 interesting facts about yourself
January 2- The meaning behind your Tumblr name
January 3- A picture of you and your friends
January 4- A habit that you wish you didn’t have
January 5- Your favorite quote
January 6- A picture of somewhere you’ve been to
January 7- A photo that makes you happy
January 8- A photo that makes you angry/sad
January 9- Day 09- Favorite super hero and why
January 10- Plans/dreams/goals you have
January 11- A dream you have had
January 12- Long term goals for this year
January 13- Something you’re proud of in the past few days
January 14- How you found out about Tumblr and why you made one
January 15- A letter to someone who has hurt you recently
January 16- Another picture of yourself
January 17- A picture of you and your family
January 18- Nicknames you have; why do you have them
January 19- Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why
January 20- A hobby of yours
January 21- A recipe
January 22- A website
January 23- A letter to your parents
January 24- What I would find in your bag
January 25- Your day, in great detail
January 26- Your week, in great detail
January 27- This month, in great detail
January 28- This year, in great detail
January 29- A picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then?
January 30- Who are you?
January 31- What do you expect in the rest of this year?
February 1- A letter to an inanimate object you hate.
February 2- A letter to a dinosaur.
February 3- A letter to a movie character
February 4- A letter to your favorite super hero
February 5- A letter to a celebrity you want to kick in the face
February 6- A letter to a historical event
February 7- A letter to a giant space robot
February 8- A letter to one of the coolest people you’ve never met
February 9- A letter to an alien race.
February 10- A letter to your last meal
February 11-A letter to a mythological creature
February 12- A letter to a word you don’t like
February 13- A letter to a word you love
February 14- A letter to your computer.
February 15- A letter to your bed
February 16- A letter to anything you want
February 17- A letter to an animal you like
February 18- A letter to an animal you think is stupid
February 19- A letter to something you’ve owned for 5 years+
February 20- A letter to something you want to have
February 21- A letter to the food of your choice.
February 22- A letter to one of your roommate
February 23- A letter to The President
February 24- A letter to the future cyborg version of you
February 25- A letter to a composer
February 26- A letter to a movie you hate
February 27- A letter to a letter you’ve written
February 28- A letter to a bowl of fruit
March 1- Why are you doing this challenge?
March 2- List ten people who you would die for.
March 3- Is the truth always good to hear? Why or why not?
March 4- Words you live by. Why do you like them?
March 5- Write a letter to someone you’ve never met.
March 6- Write a letter to the person you’re closest to.
March 7- What was on your last shopping list?
March 8- If you could have anyone next to you right now, who would it be and why?
March 9- How do you feel about yourself?
March 10- How do you react if the person next to you is crying?
March 11- You’re locked in a big closet with 3 people, who are they, how did you get locked in the closet, and what are you doing?
March 12- Choose a song that sums up the year you’ve been having so far.
March 13- If you ever ended up in jail, what crime would you have most likely committed?
March 14- Your life story in three words.
March 15- A prank you’ve pulled on someone and a prank someone’s pulled on you.
March 16- What is your biggest fear right now?
March 17- Your favorite childhood memory.
March 18- If you were going to have 10 kids, 5 girls, 5 boys, what would their names be? (first or full names)
March 19- Have you ever ran away? If not, would you?
March 20- If you could have a world of your own, what would it be like? Who would be there? What would you do there?
March 21- Something you’re ashamed of.
March 22- Something you’re proud of.
March 23- What is your passion? How did it become so?
March 24- Tell us about the first time you fell in love.
March 25- Are you a rebel or do you like going with the flow? Why?
March 26- A time when you hurt someone’s feelings but don’t regret it.
March 27- List 5 things you want to do in your life.
March 28- Your most prized possesion and why.
March 29- A place where you feel most comfortable. A person you feel most comfortable with.
March 30- When and where are you?
March 31- Who are you?
April 1- Your Best Friend
April 2- Your Crush
April 3- Your parents
April 4- Your sibling (or closest relative)
April 5- Your dreams
April 6- A stranger
April 7- Your Ex-boyfriend/girlfriend/love/crush
April 8- Your favorite internet friend
April 9- Someone you wish you could meet
April 10- Someone you don’t talk to as much as you’d like to
April 11- A Deceased person you wish you could talk to
April 12- The person you hate most/caused you a lot of pain
April 13- Someone you wish could forgive you
April 14- Someone you’ve drifted away from
April 15- The person you miss the most
April 16- Someone that’s not in your state/country
April 17- Someone from your childhood
April 18- The person that you wish you could be
April 19- Someone that pesters your mind—good or bad
April 20- The one that broke your heart the hardest
April 21- Someone you judged by their first impression
April 22- Someone you want to give a second chance to
April 23- The last person you hugged
April 24- The person that gave you your favorite memory
April 25- The person you know that is going through the worst of times
April 26- The last person you laughed with
April 27- The friendliest person you knew for only one day
April 28- Someone that changed your life
April 29- Your past self/you 5 years ago
April 30- Your reflection in the mirror
May 1st 1. Your facebook profile photo
May 2nd 2. A photo of yourself a year ago
May 3rd 3. A photo that makes you happy
May 4th 4. A photo of the last place you went on holiday
May 5th 5. A photo of you
May 6th 6. A photo that makes you laugh
May 7th 7. A photo of someone you love
May 8th 8. A photo of your favourite band/musician
May 9th 9. A photo of your family
May 10th 10. A photo of you as a baby
May 11th 11. A photo of your favourite film(s)
May 12th 12. A photo of you
May 13th 13. A photo of a group of your friends
May 14th 14. A photo of one of your favourite family members
May 15th 15. A photo of you and someone you love
May 16th 16. A photo of you at the last party you went to
May 17th 17. A photo of you in costume
May 18th 18. A photo of one of your classes
May 19th 19. A photo of you on a school trip
May 20th 20. A photo of something you enjoy doing
May 21st 21. A photo of you standing up
May 22nd 22. A photo of your town
May 23rd 23. A photo of your friend as a baby
May 24th 24. A photo of you that your hair looks nice in
May 25th 25. A photo of a night you loved
May 26th 26. A photo of your favourite weekend
May 27th 27. A photo of last summer
May 28th 28. A photo of what you ate today
May 29th 29. A photo of someone you find attractive
May 30th 30. A photo of you when you were happy
May 31st 31. A Photo of Graduation
June 1st Your favorite song
June 2nd Your least favorite song
June 3rd A song that makes you happy
June 4th A song that makes you sad
June 5th A song that reminds you of someone
June 6th A song that reminds you of somewhere
June 7th A song that reminds you of a certain event
June 8th A song that you know all the words to
June 9th A song that you can dance to
June 10th A song that makes you fall asleep
June 11th A song from your favorite band
June 12th A song from a band you hate
June 13th A song that is a guilty pleasure
June 14th A song that no one would expect you to love
June 15th A song that describes you
June 16th A song that you used to love but now hate
June 17th A song that you hear often on the radio
June 18th A song that you wish you heard on the radio
June 19th A song from your favorite album
June 20th A song that you listen to when you’re angry
June 21st A song that you listen to when you’re happy
June 22nd A song that you listen to when you’re sad
June 23rd A song that you want to play at your wedding
June 24th A song that you want to play at your funeral
June 25th A song that makes you laugh
June 26th A song that you can play on an instrument
June 27th A song that you wish you could play
June 28th A song that makes you feel guilty
June 29th A song from your childhood
June 30th Your favorite song at this time last year
July 1st A show that should have never been canceled
July 2nd A show that you wish more people were watching
July 3rd Your favorite new show ( aired this t.v season)
July 4th Your favorite show ever
July 5th A show you hate
July 6th Favorite episode of your favorite t.v show
July 7th Least favorite episode of your favorite t.v show
July 8th A show everyone should watch
July 9th Best scene ever
July 10th A show you thought you wouldn’t like but ended up loving
July 11th A show that disappointed you
July 12th An episode you’ve watched more than 5 times
July 13th Favorite childhood show
July 14th Favorite male character
July 15th Favorite female character
July 16th Your guilty pleasure show
July 17th Favorite mini series
July 18th Favorite title sequence
July 19th Best t.v show cast
July 20th Favorite kiss
July 21st Favorite ship
July 22nd Favorite series finale
July 23rd Most annoying character
July 24th Best quote
July 25th A show you plan on watching (old or new)
July 26th OMG WTF? Season finale
July 27th Best pilot episode
July 28th First t.v show obsession
July 29th Current t.v show obsession
July 30th Saddest character death
July 31st Best character change-growth
August 1st Love.
August 2nd Confidence.
August 3rd Racism
August 4th Our generation
August 5th Haters
August 6th Followers
August 7th Tumblr
August 8th Bestfriends
August 9th Wants and Needs
August 10th The Presidency
August 11th Global Warming
August 12th Men
August 13th Women
August 14th Appearance
August 15th Education
August 16th Dating
August 17th Blogging
August 18th Stereotypes
August 19th School
August 20th Your future
August 21st Teenagers
August 22nd A Current Event
August 23rd Jealousy
August 24th Guilt
August 25th Regrets
August 26th The world
August 27th Your parents
August 28th Pop Culture
August 29th Your ex
August 30th You.
August 31st God
September 1st Something you hate about yourself.
September 2nd Something you love about yourself.
September 3rd Something you have to forgive yourself for.
September 4th Something you have to forgive someone for.
September 5th Something you hope to do in your life.
September 6th Something you hope you never have to do.
September 7th Someone who has made your life worth living.
September 8th Someone who made your life hell, or treated you wrongly.
September 9th Someone you didn’t want to let go, but just drifted.
September 10th Someone you need to let go, or wish you didn’t know.
September 11th Something people seem to compliment you the most on.
September 12th Something you never get compliments on.
September 13th Something that has gotten you through hard moments in life.
September 14th Someone who has been a hero to you.
September 15th Something or someone you couldn’t live without, because you’ve tried living without it.
September 16th Someone or something you definitely could live without.
September 17th A book you’ve read that changed your views on something.
September 18th Your views on gay marriage.
September 19th Your views on faith and religion
September 20th Your views on drugs and alcohol.
September 21st (scenario) Your best friend is in a car accident and you two got into a fight an hour before. What do you do?
September 22nd Something you wish you hadn’t done in your life.
September 23rd Something you wish you had done in your life.
September 24th Make a playlist to someone, and explain why you chose all the songs.
September 25th The reason you believe you’re still alive today.
September 26th Have you ever thought about giving up on life? If so, when and why?
September 27th What’s the best thing going for you right now?
September 28th (scenario) Your parents die in a car accident. What do you do?
September 29th Something you hope to change about yourself. And why.
September 30th A letter to yourself, tell yourself EVERYTHING you love about yourself.
October 1st TV Shows
October 2nd Movies
October 3rd Presidents
October 4th Firearms
October 5th Foods
October 6th Activities
October 7th Colors
October 8th GIFs
October 9th Pictures
October 10th Pictures of yourself (with or without yourself)
October 11th Websites
October 12th Pie Flavors
October 13th People
October 14th TV/Movie Romances
October 15th Book Characters
October 16th People in your life
October 17th Places in the World
October 18th Video Games
October 19th Drinks
October 20th Genres of Music
October 21st Music Artists
October 22nd Songs
October 23rd Actresses
October 24th Actors
October 25th Daredevil things you want to do
October 26th Sports
October 27th Places you have been
October 28th TV Channel
October 29th Books
October 30th Book Series
October 31st Books of the bible
November 1st Find a novel or short story, copy down the last sentence and use this line as the first line of your new story.
November 2nd Tell about a character who lost something important to him/her.
November 3rd Write about the worst time you’ve ever put your foot in your mouth.
November 4th Write a story/excerpt to include the line, “Sorry, we can’t insure you for a journey like that.”
November 5th Pick out everything in two rows of the supermarket starting with the same letter.
November 6th Write about a person who would buy all of those items in Day 5.
November 7th What sets you apart from the crowd?
November 8th Tell a day in your life from someone else’s point of view.
November 9th What was your favorite childhood toy?
November 10th What do you want to be remembered for?
November 11th Write about your favorite childhood toy.
November 12th Write a short story with characthers based on you and yoru friends.
November 13th What is your favorite day of the week?
November 14th Write about the random picture you find in frames at the store
November 15th Elvis still gets 100 Valentines each year. Tell about one of the people who sent one.
November 16th Create a character who is falsely accused of a crime.
November 17th If we assume ghosts are real, what type of ghost would you like to see?
November 18th Write a short scenario set in the kitchen of a fast-food restaurant.
November 19th Take a reader behind the wheel with the worst driver you’ve ever known.
November 20th Write a list of things you want to do in your life.
November 21st If you could go on only one more vacation in your lifetime, where would you go and why?
November 22nd Find a job ad in the paper. Write about your life if you had that job.
November 23rd You wake up with a key gripped tightly in your hand. How did you get this key? What does it lock or unlock?
November 24th Pretend you’re a cartoon character. What type of a character would you be? What would a day in your life be like?
November 25th Write about the longest amount of time you’ve ever gone without sleeping.
November 26th Write about your worst habit.
November 27th Make up a near-death experience (unless you have a real one).
November 28th You read about yourself in your brother/sister, girlfriend/boyfriend’s diary. What did you read?
November 29th You are at a cemetery reading gravestones. Write about one of the people you find.
November 30th Write a short entry that ends with the line, “The silver dust of moonlight settled coldly on the night.”
December 1st Best book you read last year
December 2nd A book that you’ve read more than 3 times
December 3rd Your favorite series
December 4th Favorite book of your favorite series
December 5th A book that makes you happy
December 6th A book that makes you sad
December 7th Most underrated book
December 8th Most overrated book
December 9th A book you thought you wouldn’t like but ended up loving
December 10th Favorite classic book
December 11th A book you hated
December 12th A book you used to love but don’t anymore
December 13th Your favorite writer
December 14th Favorite book of your favorite writer
December 15th Favorite male character
December 16th Favorite female character
December 17th Favorite quote from your favorite book
December 18th A book that disappointed you
December 19th Favorite book turned into a movie
December 20th Favorite romance book
December 21st Favorite book from your childhood
December 22nd Favorite book you own
December 23rd A book you wanted to read for a long time but still haven’t
December 24th A book that you wish more people would’ve read
December 25th A character who you can relate to the most
December 26th A book that changed your opinion about something
December 27th The most surprising plot twist or ending
December 28th Favorite title
December 29th A book everyone hated but you liked
December 30th Your favorite book of all time
December 31th Favorite Book of the Bible
Friday, January 14, 2011
Day 14- How you found out about Blogger and why you made one
I googled "blog" a few yeras ago when i wanted to start circulating my writing more. There really isn't much more to the story.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Day 13- Something you’re proud of in the past few days
I'm pleased more than proud. Heres the story.
I got to school ti find that my computer, which i had been using on the drive down to listen to music, had died, or at least wasn't coming out of standby. I was rather frustrated and worried and began researching probable causes and potential solutions, the cheapest of which would have set me back $200, which I don't have.
After a week or so, i took it to the Keystone Apple Store. THey checked in the computers credentials, and informed me that i had arrived in the last 12 hours of my Warranty, and thus the repair costs of the needed new motherboard ($1400) Were covered.
A week later i go back to pick it up and find that they included a new body casing, new dvd burner, new ram, keyboard, hard disk, and sound card with the replaced motherboard. Basically a completely refurbished model. Jahovah Jiireh Is good to me.
All of the writing I had done on the casing of my computer is gone, but I think i will leave it that way for a while, and enjoy the long forgotten shininess.
I got to school ti find that my computer, which i had been using on the drive down to listen to music, had died, or at least wasn't coming out of standby. I was rather frustrated and worried and began researching probable causes and potential solutions, the cheapest of which would have set me back $200, which I don't have.
After a week or so, i took it to the Keystone Apple Store. THey checked in the computers credentials, and informed me that i had arrived in the last 12 hours of my Warranty, and thus the repair costs of the needed new motherboard ($1400) Were covered.
A week later i go back to pick it up and find that they included a new body casing, new dvd burner, new ram, keyboard, hard disk, and sound card with the replaced motherboard. Basically a completely refurbished model. Jahovah Jiireh Is good to me.
All of the writing I had done on the casing of my computer is gone, but I think i will leave it that way for a while, and enjoy the long forgotten shininess.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Day 12- Long term goals for this year
THat term in and of it self seems kinda oxymoronic. "This year" limits the "long term" status of many plans. But here we go anyways.
I'm going to start with the obvious, I want to graduate from Verity with my BA in History. My parents and i have decided that i should take the next year and work before making any decisions about further schooling or career.
I'm going to Israel, Adonai be willing, in March. One of the goals i have is to learn Hebrew to a fluency, if not before the trip, then before the year is out.
Id like to Finish one of my stories. That is to get it totally written out. The one I have in mind is about a girl named Jade who moves to Israel and finds a Dragon who she names Ember. He is trapped in a human form and she has to help him become what he was meant to be. Sounds corny i know, but the story means more to me than most of my others, and it has really interesting ideas I want to explore.
The Biggest thing is that hardest to explain. I want to remake myself in the image of Yeshua this year. THat is my goal. TO put myself to death and become a new person, the person El Tsaddik (The Righteous God) means for me to be. I have dedicated myself to Yah, to that end. This is more to me than just "being a good verity/church kid", I want to make El Elyon (God Most High) the focal point of my life. This is personal. I want to know Yeshua, who he is, what he was like, how he lived. There really isn't a clear way to define this goal because it doesnt have a final result. I know even if i were to totally change who I see myself as to be more what I feel i am supposed to be, I would still be so far away from knowing El Roi (God who knows me) and Yeshua the way i want to. There is no end to this goal. But there is a beginning, and already Yah H'Adonai (God the King) has been faithful through the people here at school who have pushed me to change how I saw myself. The work and change has begun, and He who began a good work in me will be faithful to complete it.
I'm going to start with the obvious, I want to graduate from Verity with my BA in History. My parents and i have decided that i should take the next year and work before making any decisions about further schooling or career.
I'm going to Israel, Adonai be willing, in March. One of the goals i have is to learn Hebrew to a fluency, if not before the trip, then before the year is out.
Id like to Finish one of my stories. That is to get it totally written out. The one I have in mind is about a girl named Jade who moves to Israel and finds a Dragon who she names Ember. He is trapped in a human form and she has to help him become what he was meant to be. Sounds corny i know, but the story means more to me than most of my others, and it has really interesting ideas I want to explore.
The Biggest thing is that hardest to explain. I want to remake myself in the image of Yeshua this year. THat is my goal. TO put myself to death and become a new person, the person El Tsaddik (The Righteous God) means for me to be. I have dedicated myself to Yah, to that end. This is more to me than just "being a good verity/church kid", I want to make El Elyon (God Most High) the focal point of my life. This is personal. I want to know Yeshua, who he is, what he was like, how he lived. There really isn't a clear way to define this goal because it doesnt have a final result. I know even if i were to totally change who I see myself as to be more what I feel i am supposed to be, I would still be so far away from knowing El Roi (God who knows me) and Yeshua the way i want to. There is no end to this goal. But there is a beginning, and already Yah H'Adonai (God the King) has been faithful through the people here at school who have pushed me to change how I saw myself. The work and change has begun, and He who began a good work in me will be faithful to complete it.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Day 10- Plans/dreams/goals you have
My family's motto is "if you ant to make God laugh, tell him your plans". That being said, everything I say here is entirely subjective. Two years ago I didn't even think I'd be where I am now, and none of my plans were the same. In two years... who knows where i will be.
Right now the plans i feel are best for me are as follows:
I graduate from Verity in May, hopefully after a month or so of working with them on Staff. After that I'd like to spend a year working before pursuing any further education or vocation. I'd prefer to work that year in Verity's AV department, but that is in the hands of Adonai.
After that, I'm not exactly sure. Right now I'm thinking i might Join the Navy or Air Force to pay my way thru law school and gain practical legal and political experience. I don't think i want to be career military.
Long term, i would love to run for public office someday, reaching as high as i can. Again all in the hands of Adonai, and by his guidance. I have always dreamed of sharing my Faith with my nation, and a logical and desirable way to do that is as a Public Servant.
Right now the plans i feel are best for me are as follows:
I graduate from Verity in May, hopefully after a month or so of working with them on Staff. After that I'd like to spend a year working before pursuing any further education or vocation. I'd prefer to work that year in Verity's AV department, but that is in the hands of Adonai.
After that, I'm not exactly sure. Right now I'm thinking i might Join the Navy or Air Force to pay my way thru law school and gain practical legal and political experience. I don't think i want to be career military.
Long term, i would love to run for public office someday, reaching as high as i can. Again all in the hands of Adonai, and by his guidance. I have always dreamed of sharing my Faith with my nation, and a logical and desirable way to do that is as a Public Servant.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Day 09- Favorite super hero and why
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Friday, January 7, 2011
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Day 05- Your favorite quote
“Don’t think that I have come to abolish the Torah or the Prophets. I have come not to abolish but to complete. Yes indeed! i tell you that until heaven and earth pass away not so much as a yud or a stroke will pass from the Torah - not until everthing that must happen has happened.” -Jesus
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Day 04- A habit that you wish you didn’t have
I wish i didnt spend money so recklessly. Its coming back to bite me.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Day 02- The meaning behind your Blog name
What does it mean to live? Thats the question i originally gave my blogs because each blog i post is a collection of my own thought son the subject of life. I look at my own life and analyze it, and from those analyzations, i extrapolate blog posts.
In short, my blog name is the purpose of the blog and an echo of my own internal question i try to answer by writing.
In short, my blog name is the purpose of the blog and an echo of my own internal question i try to answer by writing.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Day 01- A recent picture of you and 10 interesting facts about yourself

I have the classroom training equivalency of two black bets, but only have one actual belt.
I nickname almost everything I own or use alot. Electronics, cars, clothes, knives, even rooms.
I have no favorite anything. Not animal, not color, not shape, not car, not weapon, not anything. I have ones I like more than others, but there arent ultimate favorites: Whale, orange, triangle, Camero, Kodachi
I want to live in an apartment where my bedroom and the kitchen are the same room. That would be so epic.
I have Imaginary Friends (and family members). Every once in a while i replace the imaginary person with a real person i met who fills the same roles.
(following the previous fact) I have an “imaginary” wife. Dont know her name, what she looks like, or who she is, but she is real. I am totally dedicated to whoever is going to someday fill that role.
I Have nicknames that change as the stages of my life change: that name is currently Antirihen, which means Diamond Eyes. Ask me for the explanation.
My Grandfather served in WWII, and is probbably the only person I consider a personal “hero”.
I Love Jewish/Hebrew Mythology
I am awful at saving money.
Thirty Day Challenge
Day 01- A recent picture of you and 10 interesting facts about yourself
Day 02- The meaning behind your Tumblr name
Day 03- A picture of you and your friends
Day 04- A habit that you wish you didn’t have
Day 05- Your favorite quote
Day 06- A picture of somewhere you’ve been to
Day 07- A photo that makes you happy
Day 08- A photo that makes you angry/sad
Day 09- Favorite super hero and why
Day 10- Plans/dreams/goals you have
Day 11- A dream you have had
Day 12- Long term goals for this year
Day 13- Something you’re proud of in the past few days
Day 14- How you found out about Tumblr and why you made one
Day 15- A letter to someone who has hurt you recently
Day 16- Another picture of yourself
Day 17- A picture of you and your family
Day 18- Nicknames you have; why do you have them
Day 19- Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why
Day 20- A hobby of yours
Day 21- A recipe
Day 22- A website
Day 23- A letter to your parents
Day 24- What I would find in your bag
Day 25- Your day, in great detail
Day 26- Your week, in great detail
Day 27- This month, in great detail
Day 28- This year, in great detail
Day 29- A picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then?
Day 30- Who are you?
Day 02- The meaning behind your Tumblr name
Day 03- A picture of you and your friends
Day 04- A habit that you wish you didn’t have
Day 05- Your favorite quote
Day 06- A picture of somewhere you’ve been to
Day 07- A photo that makes you happy
Day 08- A photo that makes you angry/sad
Day 09- Favorite super hero and why
Day 10- Plans/dreams/goals you have
Day 11- A dream you have had
Day 12- Long term goals for this year
Day 13- Something you’re proud of in the past few days
Day 14- How you found out about Tumblr and why you made one
Day 15- A letter to someone who has hurt you recently
Day 16- Another picture of yourself
Day 17- A picture of you and your family
Day 18- Nicknames you have; why do you have them
Day 19- Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why
Day 20- A hobby of yours
Day 21- A recipe
Day 22- A website
Day 23- A letter to your parents
Day 24- What I would find in your bag
Day 25- Your day, in great detail
Day 26- Your week, in great detail
Day 27- This month, in great detail
Day 28- This year, in great detail
Day 29- A picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then?
Day 30- Who are you?
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