A great guide for gift buying and just general information about me. In no kind of order:
- Guns:
The saying for me is "One Gun a year till Im 30. (since I have been old enough to own them)" So far I have kept to this: My Glock for my 18th Year, My Sig for my 19th year... Its this 20th thats becoming a problem. With Israel Trips, College, travel, and other expenses, finding a Firearm i can afford and want this year has been tough. Whats made it harder is that, even though I've found one, a Navy black powder .44, I havent been able to locate one. I have two more months.
- Hats:
This collection is Limited to a few spesific kinds of hats that i like. Fedoras, Drover Hats, Bandanas, and skull caps that aren't decorated. I love my hats, the few that I have, and I hope to continue to make good use out of them for many years. - Knives:
Another fairly obvious one for anyone who knows me at all. I don't collect indiscriminately here; not all knives are equal. If you know know enough about knives to know what I'd like, dont get one for me. - Notebooks
This is a collection with a singular Purpose. All of my notebooks are either used or going to be used one day in the form of letters. Letters to my Wife, children, and myself. I collect them almost indescriminately, As long as they look nice and have some quality. - Funny Pictures
Pretty Self Explanatory - Tshirts/ Scrubs/ Vests
My clothing selection is nerdy and eccentric. I have so many different styles, from the hats, colors, scrubs, toe shoes, vests - Israel stuff
This is possibly the most expensive of my collections, as it Requires a trip to Israel every time. I have potteryshards, lamps, rocks, jewelry, certificates, bullets. These mean alot to me as Israel is very much on my heart. - Camera Equipment
I have had alot of cameras. There is never really an end to the amount of equipment one can get for a camera. I love getting video and Pictures of my world, to aide my memory. Lenses, pods, flashes, video stuff, and even software are all a part of this process. - Swords
I'm listing this as a separate entity from knives, cause these are a class in and of themselves. I have bought and sold swords since i was 16, making this one of my older collections. - Jewelry
This is pretty limited to Necklaces, rings and masculine bracelets, obviously. Its a limited collection, but I rotate thru the things I have. I'm guessing when i get my Navy Tags, that will replace any necklaces i wear. - Hororable Mentions: Costumes, Fake Credit Cards, Stuffed Animals, Thomas the Tank Engine.
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