I do have my own world. I have had it since i was 12. I live both there and here. I have about 10000 years of history buried in my head with some science and even philosophy of that world. THere are charachters who i write about, but I cant claim to have created them, their stories simply play out in my mind., they belong to G-d, i just listen and here.
Everyone who enters my life for longer than a month becomes a part of that world. They are usually themselves, but some play alternate roles in that world, a hero, a sibling, a soldier.
I am there. I have had many names, face, roles. I belong there in part. Often when walking around here, if you look at me and i seem to be staring off, I am there, living, interaction, learning about this world. I have wings at times, a tail, bladebones for fighting if i need them. I don't decide, and what I am changes based on who I am. Who I am is being slowly shaped by G-d.