"The Lord of all the earth and heavens is my Abba Father. The crafter of stars and the universe is my creater. The author of the bible is my finisher for He is the beginning and the end.No! We are not object of his love, we are objects of His WRATH. Enemies of G-d (James 4:4) There is nothing so spanky or good about us, nothing in us that makes us worht saving. G-ds love comes in spite of the fact that we are piles of putrescence waiting to be burnt. Thats as close to being literal as I can be without being crude.
And I am His object of love. Created for the sole purpose to be loved by Him. "
We are created for the sole purpose of GLORIFYING HIM, even if that means that some, by G-ds providence end up in HELL. Wrath and hell are the most loving things G-d can do, and anyone who believes that G-d love us unfiltered by justice and that getting saved will make everything in life better has NEVER READ THE NEW TESTAMENT.
So many people in this world, especially in the church think that all G-d is doing in this world is that Hes loving everybody, thats G-ds thing G-ds just with us and wants to love us if only we will let him and just accept his love and ask Jesus into our hearts... NOT! G-d loves us, obviously, but its not some pampering love, but a perfecting love. Its a love that expects our highest and greatest usefulness for his purposes.
It breaks my heart because they are convinced that they know the truth, and they preach this. They go out into the street and spread the words that they believe. The save people by getting them to "pray the sinners prayer" (mentioned no where in scripture), Ask Jesus into their heart (mentioned nowhere in scripture); that they have a G-d shaped hole in their heart (mentioned nowhere in scripture), and that G-d is just waiting to pour out physical blessings upon them (spiritual blessings, yes, but otherise the OPPOSITE is mentioned in scripture).
People in churches are going to hell. Yeshua (Jesus) predicted this: Wheat and Weeds, Mattityahu (Matthew) 13:14-30, wise and foolish birdesmaids, Mattityahu (Matthew), 25:1-13. Even so, i find this tragic. Yes, it is sad to see the muslim and the athiest rail against G-d and got to hell, but more so to me to see someone who truly loves G-d because they either don't understand or they preferr their non judgemental idol who caters to their feelings.
Oh to the Gospel, how you are missed in the church.
Mattityahu 7:21-23 "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord!' will enter the Kingdom of heaven, only those who do what my Father in heaven wants. On that day many will say to me, 'Lord, Lord! Didn't wee prophesy in your name? Didn't we expel deamons in your name? Didn't we perform many miracles in your name?' THen i will tell them to their faces, 'I never knew you! Get away from me you workers of lawlessness!'