Segment I: Complacent
The Declaration of Independence (1776) of the United States grants in-exclusively the right to the pursuit of happiness. On the surface this would seem an empty promise; saying only that you are free to pursue happiness, but attaining it is not something we herein protect. The question remains, is it acutely possible to attain happiness. The answer, as commonly interpreted, would be no, for so many reasons.
In common translation, the idea of the Pursuit of happiness is primarily affecting on one’s economic status, and in such a capitalist society, the possibility of attaining and maintaining economic “happiness” includes a near constant struggle and work. The amount of effort economic success necessitates negates any potential happiness the status would cause. This is actually a good thing, as the idea of defining happiness economically precludes the possibility of what is more logically the source of happiness: one’s own personal level of contentment.
Contentment does indeed suit as a much better definer of happiness, however dangerous it can be. Perhaps it is a pessimistic idea, but the world itself is under stress, possibly more than any social, political, or even geological grouping can handle. Change is necessary in even a stable culture, in one form or another. The constant struggle within culture of ideas, worldviews and beliefs, political, social and religious all, serves to make contentment within any of those circles near impossible. But even if someone where to become content with their life and situation in the midst of the modern confusion, would they necessarily be right in having such happiness? For the sake of that happiness I would say no. If a person is content, they, whether consciously or not, will strive to maintain their own contentment. In order to do so, to keep an even unchanging status, they must exclude external stresses that would unbalance their even lives. If enough people ignore ongoing problems, then eventually the culture/system the sought to maintain will collapse around them, thus obliterating the happiness they had.
These functions and definitions of happiness being as they are, the would-be cruelty of “pursuit of happiness” must again be questioned. Was happiness never meant to be attained? If not, how harsh it seems that the laws of the US would seek to protect the practice of its pursuit. You are expected to, and given the opportunity to pursue happiness, even though you will never reach it.
Regardless, the modern Federal government seems to be taking another step in re-defining a founding right of our nation; since the pursuit isn’t working, and no one is happy trying for it, then the federal government will work to provide happiness to everyone who cant get it on their own. For those without housing or employment, the government will build projects and give unemployment benefits, so they can be happy, without the pointless pursuit. Free health care, stimulus packages, federally controlled banks and car companies, so no one is pursuing anything any more, the government is merely controlling the source of their economy. What was the pursuit of happiness is now a guarantee of the best happiness the government can provide.
This is the opposite approach to the pursuit than would appear logical. I don’t believe people can ever really be happy by their own pursuits. There are too many factors in defining happiness, and goodness knows that even if we achieve what we think would make us happy, there is still incompleteness to that joy. But this is not reason to despair, not a cruelty on the part of the writers of the declaration of independence.
When we look at the phrase, we automatically see happiness, and assume that it is the greater part of the term. But happiness is an utopian ideal, like perfection, unconditional love, and peace, none of which can be attained by humans. The greater part of it is the PURSUIT itself. “…that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit…” We are endowed in our very nature a desire to never give up, and never stop moving. Thought we reach for what we cannot completely achieve, we are granted the ability to strive for the best.
May happiness never be given to us by a misguided government, because it removes from us one of our most sacred rights as humans. May we never become complacent or accept the way things are as the way they should be. May we never give p or give in because the forces against us are too hard to overcome. I chose to pursue the impossible.
Segment II: Riddle
The maker doesn't want it; the buyer doesn't use it; and the user
doesn't see it. What is it?
A child is born in Boston, Massachusetts to parents who were both born
in Boston, Massachusetts. The child is not a United States citizen.
How is this possible?
Before Mount Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain
on Earth?
Clara Clatter was born on December 27th, yet her birthday is always in the
summer. How is this possible?
What is one thing that all wise men, regardless of their religion or politics,
agreed is between heaven and earth?
A woman from New York married ten different men from that city, yet she
did not break any laws. None of these men died and she never divorced.
How was this possible?
Why are 1990 American dollar bills worth more than 1989 American dollar
How many times can you subtract the number 5 from 25?
How could you rearrange the letters in the words "new door" to make one
word? Note: There is only one correct answer.
Even if they are starving, natives living in the Arctic will never eat a penguin's egg.
Why not?
Which is correct to say, "The yolk of the egg are white" or "The yolk of the
egg is white"?
In Okmulgee, Oklahoma, you cannot take a picture of a man with a wooden
leg. Why not?
There were an electrician and a plumber waiting in line for admission to the
"International Home Show". One of them was the father of the other's son.
How could this be possible?
After the new Canon Law that took effect on November 27, 1983, would a
Roman Catholic man be allowed to marry his widow's sister?
Segment III: Future
Segment IV: Iacov
Over the past year in my personal bible study I’ve made a habit of trying to see all the biblical characters as real people, who acted normally and had real issues and personalities. It’s harder than it sounds, and I’ve had to give up a lot of my preconceived notions about the heroes of scripture. Once I began looking at these people as humans, flesh and blood, I began to see a lot of similarities to my own personality and that of certain characters.
My mom has oft introduced me as her “Jacob”, in reference to the younger of the twins Jacob and Esau. Only recently have I really begun to see the similarities between myself and the patriarch of the nation of Israel. Not that I have a direct promise from god of prosperity, not a romance with two very manipulative women, but in personality he and I match.
In the bible, Jacob is describes as being “among the tents”. AN indoor person. Though the passage isn’t clear as to what that completely entails I like to believe that Jacob liked to clean and cook and read. He would have been an office worker in modern times.
Its also clear from scripture that Jacob was a manipulator. Not cruel or selfish necessarily, but he knew how to work people, and he got that trait from his mom. It even says he was born pulling his brothers leg, literally. I’ll admit I like to work people, to study them and to do things to get people to react a certain way. I wouldn’t define myself as manipulative, but in essence I suppose I am.
Jacob was also notably dramatic. When things were bad, they were really bad, and he brought other down with him, when he was mad, he was really mad, to the point of wrestling with God himself. I know I’m dramatic. I always have been. It’s a little comforting to know hat God has already dealt with someone way worse than I am.
As far as his family was concerned, we know Jacob had one Brother who was the outdoorsy, workman, hands on, labor type. Esau also sort of fell in Jacobs shadow as far as both their parents and history was concerned. This may sound presumptuous of me, but though I have never stolen my brothers right as the eldest son, I have always felt like I was the more privileged of the two of us boys. This has been especially true in recent years.
We don’t know how many other siblings Jacob had, and we don’t hear about them if he did have any. Similarly, I am the outspoken active one that everyone knows in my family. It’s just the way I am. My sister, though not necessarily unheard of, is alright with living in the background. Not to say that I am more important than Abby, again, but the similarity is there.
My mom says she is like Peter, my dad I believe is like his namesake, Paul from scripture. I think everyone if they looked hard enough, could find a person from biblical history they match decently with. I know that I match with Jacob, and that makes me happy. For all of his issues, God did something amazing with Jacob, and I hope for the same someday.
Segment V: Angel
“Target acquired, dropping to minimum speed.” Mumbled a bored-sounding pilot. As the craft slowed from a blinding speed, nearly to a halt, the shining blue curve of a planet’s upper atmosphere came into view. The slow moving ship arched itself into an orbit over the planet, as two other ships came out of hyper speed and began a similar orbital hovering nearby.
“This is the rock that the council wants dominions over. Are there even any people on it?” Said another apathetic sounding voice over a strange radio system that linked the three craft.
“Ask the phycic.” Came a robotic a third robotic voice.
On board the lead vessel, a black hooded man with pale blue skin and bright green eyes, sat, listening with his mind for voices far below. “Yes,” He whispered, “There are many minds all active about various things. Too much of a crowd to listen in on any one person, not that we need to.” He looked around at the others who waited in the passenger bay of the space vehicle. A brightly dressed elderly Deltox, an elemental magician with his fancy staff.
Beside the Deltox, there was a younger elven girl, holding onto a leather strap in the wall, to balance herself in the uneven space gravity. She had more melee weapons strapped to her body than anyone had dared try to count, and little else.
The robotic voice echoed through the ship, “Intelligence suggests that this planed has no knowledge of space travel, and will thus be unlikely to be prepared for our coming. Their defenses will be of little concern to us. The council sent us here to bring its light to the people of this world, and they should be very accepting of Council rule.”
“How the hell do we have intelligence on a planet no one has ever been to before?” another vice echoed over the mental com-link. “Do they have Magic, or knowledge of alchemy?”
The Mechanical voice that came from the ship now came from a robotic body that walked across the unfunished passenger bay. “Doubtful, but we are prepared for any-“ It paused, listening to nothing for a moment. “Communication from Council. We are going to be joined by their newest… creation. An enhanced human.”
The Vampyre-Psycic groaned inwardly. A rookie. As if this would be team of “superpowers” needed another freak. He mentally ran through the Checklist of the occupants of the three invading starships; Tala, the young elven combat Artist girl with all the weapons, Dek 5.4, the former human, turned robot that was flying two of the ships with its wireless mind, Arkon, the old elemental magician, Spera, The Human alchemist, Rotor, the Impirical Magic user, and Jon, the shape shifter, (who actually was taking the form of the third spacecraft). The nameless vampire reached out with his mind, growing bored with the tedium of waiting to attack, trying to convince the others that it was time to make their approach.
This team was comprised of the most powerful beings in each of their respective fields. The Council, a great, ancient body of immortals who had ruled the entered of the know universe, and perhaps other universes for millions of years, employed this team to conquest planets that had either risen up against the Council, or were yet unclaimed by its iron hand.
Successful in his mental manipulating, the three ships (or two ships and one shape shifter) began the decent towards the greatest center of population. But before they had hardly even entered the atmosphere of the planet, the sky around them erupted with countless explosions. The three ships collided hard with an invisible shield of some kind, bouncing off of it, back into t he field of explosions.
“Inadequate defenses, Dek? Last time I ever trust our intel going in.”
The Deltox, Impirical, and vampire all probed the shield, searching for a way to tear it down and break through, as Dek and Jon took evasive maneuvers. “These detonations would likely do us little harm if we were hit, but as we don’t know whether they are a form of alchemy, magic or technology, I advise we continue with caution.” The robot said, “Have you ascertained the nature of the barrier, yet, magicians? “
With an angry glare, the Vampyre gave the robot a mental shove, causing both it, and the two fighters it was piloting to spiral out of control. Tala had a blade to the vampyres throat instantly. “A hit from one fo those things would most definitely kill the both of us, so do your job and let Dek fly.”
Arkon groaned. “I can’t find a way through the barrier. It seems to surround the whole planet.”
“You are too large in those ships” A clear voice rang out in all their minds, unbidden. As soon the invaders registered what was said, an object came hurtling out of the nothingness of space, past the planet, tearing through the barrier like a needle. Though it was fast, the skilled warriors aboard the fighters were all able to identify it by the image the Vampyre broadcast into their minds.
A young human, with long, pointed ears, and a clean, well-muscled bare chest. As the atmosphere burned around him, its light brightened the already red tones of his hair, and highlighted the reddish brown flecks of the massive wingspan that stretched from his back. His eyes burned with Impirical fire, and his hands cleared his path with alchemic sparks. His voice echoed through their minds again. “I am Antien, the new Progenitor of the great Council. I am their Angel. You may know me henceforth as Firefly.”…
Segment VI: Hero
I'm just a step away
I'm a just a breath away
Losing my faith today
Falling off the edge today
I am just a man
Not superhuman
Someone save me from the hate
It's just another war
Just another family torn
falling from my faith today
Just a step from the edge
Just another day in the world we live
I need a hero to save me now
I need a hero to save my life
A hero'll save me just in time
I gotta fight today
To live another day
Speakin my mind today
My voice will be heard today
I've gotta make a stand
But I am just a man
I'm not superhuman
My voice will be heard today
It's just another war
Just another family torn
My voice will be heard today
It's just another kill
The countdown begins to destroy ourselves
Who's gonna fight for what's right
who's gonna help us survive
we're in the fight of our lives
And we're not ready to die
Who's gonna fight for the weak
Who's gonna make 'em believe
I've got a hero
I've got a hero
Livin in me
I'm gonna fight for what's right
today I'm speaking my mind
and if it kills me tonight
I will be ready to die
A hero's not afraid to give his life
A hero's gonna save me just in time
Segment VII: Sister