Segment 1: Save
“Ask not what your country can do for you…”
The current political buzztopic the US is the soon coming "stimulus package". In it's most basic interpretation of the idea is for the government to reintroduce taxpayer money into the worlds economic and political market with the hope that that will aid in the healing of our wounded American economy. Is there any clearer image of "throwing money" at a problem? This seems to be very literally what our new government seems to intend.
This is merely the most currently prevalent example of a belief and practice system practitioned by the America populous collective. The idea that the Government can fix the economy, over which it has next to no constitutional jurisdiction, is only a art of a problematic governmental worldview. Why has it been deemed the responsibility of this elected body to correct the mistakes of globalizing a union based job economy?
The fact is that Americans expect more money to pay for things that are getting more and more expensive. The reason for inflating costs is a catch twentytwo, because manufacturers need to compensate for the decreasing number of sales because people cant afford to buy. I have spoken before on what a correct economic fix would look like, but this leads back to my earlier reference to an overarching expectation. Why do we expect our government to save us?
The economy is not the only place in which the people have turned to their elected officials to fix a problem that originated with the people. Illegal immigration, homosexual marriages, medical drugs banking and housing crisis, what is considered an assault weapon, even what sort of TV signal we are required to receive; these are all issues which the government had no stake in beginning or creating, yet which we have passed to them to decide. When did we decide that the government chooses those things?
In its most basic form, the US government is simply an organized body of people to represent us as its population. Without even considering constitutional definitions, the nature of such a representative body is merely to organize an act as the populous directs. If that is the case, how can they do any more that the people can? How can a government made of the people save the people from problems that they themselves have started? If such a government is expected to perform these actions, should it still be considered a democracy or even a representative republic?
Somewhere along the way in the past one hundred years, Americans as a society have developed a believe that the state will save them from their ills. My father once explained to me that America was a nation that once was willing to work and die for the simple right to decide things for themselves. Now we turn to our formerly representative government to fix our problems, and then blame them when things fall apart. After a long run as the richest nation on earth, we have become complacent. Things are easy when you are rich and safe. Things came cheap and easy to us for a while, because previous generations worked for them, and now we want to have our money and protection, and we want it for free, so we turn over the problems to the government, begging them to fix it.
The problem is like a disease with disastrous symptoms. Our nation has caught it and we need our elected leaders to heal our symptoms. If we had free health care, and housing, and lots of jobs and money, then everything would be better, and our American Utopia would be complete. Even if the government could heal the symptoms, which is highly unlikely, the problem would persist because the problem is not they symptoms, the problem is the disease. The disease is complacency and if is found in the heart of the American mindset.
Americans are promised life, liberty and the PURSUIT of happiness. A pursuit is not a given, not a guarantee, nor even an expectation, its an attempt. A pursuit is not cheap, or simple, or easy, or free. A pursuit is hard and long and difficult and does not always succeed. It requires diligence and perseverance, and is never given to anyone. The power of change does not lie with the president or congress or even the courts. The power to change is like the power of the American Government, only in this way: it is The Will if the People.
Segment 2: Stimulate
Below is some helpful advice on how to best help the US economy by spending your stimulus check wisely:
If you spend that money at WalMart, all the money will go to China.
If you spend it on gasoline it will go to the Arabs.
If you purchase a computer it will go to India.
If you purchase fruit and vegetables it will go to Mexico, Honduras and Guatemala (unless you buy organic).
If you buy a car it will go to Japan.
If you purchase useless crap it will go to Taiwan.
If you purchase cleaning products it will go to save trees.
If you purchase medical products it will go to kill babies.
If you purchase stocks, or invest it, it will go to hell.
If you purchase fast food it will go to your waist
If you purchase a firearm…. Hmmm
Segment 3: Arms
Arms for every type of person:
For the feminine types:
For the Compensators:
For the Rambo wanna-be’s:
For the Cowboys:
For the Sneaky:,%20Photo%20via%20US%20Customs%20Service.jpg
For the Skittish:
Segment 4: Bachelor
The past few days my parents have been out of town. I had wanted to go with them, but work didn’t allow for that, so I stayed here in Lansing. While most of my time was spent away with friends and my other family, I enjoyed having the house to myself while I was there. My parents have done extended trips away before, leaving me alone in the house. Like most teenagers I actually enjoy these times, thought I believe for a slightly different reason than most.
While my parents were away, I made next to no use of my bedroom, opting rather to sleep on the floor of the family room, one floor below. I slept, ate, read, wrote, and lived in this room. For all intensive purposes, I used only this room, the bathroom and the kitchen.
Understand that while I live with my parents and they are home, I consider this “their house” and try to treat it with the proper respect accordingly. But the once in a while that my parents leave me here alone, I mentally change from “their house” to “my house”. I clean it and it stays clean, I get the mail, and take phone messages. If I had the money, I would gladly open the bills and pay for the costs of living here.
Only recently have I begun to interpret this as a desire on my part to live on my own. I love the way I can be when the house is mine. I enjoy the responsibilities of it. Don’t misunderstand, I love my parents and and don’t live for the times when I am “free of them”. But at the same time, it gives me satisfaction to look at a clean house that I can call my own. I long for the day when I am capable of sustaining myself. In some ways I hope I can be a bachelor someday.
Segment 5: Sable
Segment 6:Devour
Take it and take it and take it and take it and take it all
Take it and take it and take it until you take us all
Smash it and crash it and thrash it and trash it
They're only toys
Try it youll like it dont hide it dont fight it, just let it out
Steal and shoot it and kill it or take another route
Take it and take it and take it
You know theyre only toys
Devour ,Devour
Suffocate your own empire
Devour, Devour
Its your final hour
Devour, Devour
Stolen like a foreign soul
Devour, Devour
What a way you go!
You want it you want it you want it you want it
Well here it is
Everything, everything, everything
Isnt so primitive
Take it and take it and take it and take it and take it all