Saturday, January 17, 2009


Segment 1: Beauty
In the past few months I have been forced, in a manner of speaking, to learn more about myself as a person, while observing new things about the people I see around me. One of the things I have become convinced of is that no person Can be really, truly happy without some form of beauty in their life. By beauty, I mean Something that a person can find real and pure joy in, whether filtered or not. Were I a theologian, I might make the argument that all Beauty comes from God, and can be found therein. While I do believe that, for the sake of this entry, it is not my subject of interest.
This idea comes from conversations and observations of my Sisters. One in particular, who I will use for this example, often floods my email in box with pictures of the world around her, for which I am grateful. She has been blessed to be the kind of person who can find beauty in nearly anything in the world around her. "Rose Colored Lenses" she sometimes calls it. She rejoices with every new blanket of snow, loving the beauty of the white, of the diamond glistening ice, in spite of the unavoidable trouble it causes her on the road. I enjoy hearing here memories of each day, because in her eyes, so many things are so beautiful, and for that she is one of the most joyful people in my life.
When I first began to observe my sisters gift of seeing beauty in her world, I wondered if I would get annoyed with it. For a time I almost expected too; but, in contradiction to my expectation, my desire to become closer to this sister grew and grew as time passed.
There are truly too many people in this world who aren’t really happy anymore, and according to my theory, there are equally too few people who can see beauty as readily as my younger sister. Regardless of whether the world sees them or not, there are countless ways and forms in which beauty will take.
A person could see beauty in themselves physically, emotionally, and intellectually, not in a vain way, but being able to find joy in who and what they are. This, it seems, is an increasingly rare occurrence among a certain demographic, primarily consisting of teenagers, young women, and physically "out of shape" people. These people, when they stop seeing that they have beauty somewhere in themselves, and thus begin to look down on themselves, drag themselves into a form of depression, and no real happiness is found in them.
There are those who find beauty in the intellectualities of the world. They look into the science of things, discovering the wonderful intricacies that were created so as to sustain life for us; or find joy in the deeply rooted facts of history. The mathematicians who take simple numbers and combination concepts to from complex equations that solve insurmountable problems. The Thinkers, studiers, researchers, and testers of our world, who find beauty in knowledge and understanding.
I wont be so arrogant as to say that I know all the different places that beauty can be found, or ways to find it. On the contrary, I think that everyone, each individual, has a spesific type of beauty that they seek, or find best. Not to say that they are limited solely to that form, but as a guide-rule. I will use my own understanding as an example.
As I mentioned before I felt myself growing closer to my sister to whom beauty was readily available. After several conversations with her on the subject, I realized that, while I couldn’t see the beauty she could, or rather I didn’t see it, I was able to experience it through her. When I thought of this, I began to look more closely at the people whom I was close to. I then noticed that when I was around those people, thought I may not have been able to find joy in the things they did, I was able to feel joy because they were. As a “people person” this makes sense to me, while at the same time explaining why there are so many people I truly dislike. I cannot abide people who cannot see outside of their own problems. I also have a distaste for unoriginal “cookie cutter” copycats who do not think for themselves. In this context, my social tastes make even more sense. Those who are blind to any sort of beauty in their life, whether by training, or by self centered focus don’t interest me. Because I find my joy in the people I am around, by seeing their joy, the people I meet who have to genuine joy or beauty in their life feel empty.

Segment 2: Father
These are quotes from my Dad, thus proving that even the most “level headed” and “quiet” person can be truly unusual in the right circumstances.
(My mom was preparing a vest for My Dad’s costume for the Celtic Ball, from an existing woman’s vest. (be aware that women’s clothes button on the left, men’s on the right))
Mom: This is Just about Finished.
Dad: No it isn’t. The buttons are on the wrong side.
Mom: They are on the women’s side
Dad: Right, like I said, the Wrong side.

“Men are from Venus, yeah, whatever…”

Me: I’m not going into a restaurant in Kalamazoo wearing a Kilt.
Dad: What if we find a nice Celtic, or Irish Restaurant?
Me: Celtic Restaurant? Like What?
Dad: MacDonalds!

Segment 3: Employ
After an economically low year, people working for nonprofit organizations, and donation-reliant groups should expect to feel hardships. As a former employee of such and organization, I know first hand. Being at the bottom of the food chain a SSI, I expected that I would be expendable if things got lean, so I wasn’t really surprised when Jeff called me into his office and told me I was laid off. I had Prepared for that inevitability, and was neither shocked nor insulted.
That night I began the process of finding and filling out applications to every place I could think of, from Meijer to Subway to Barns & Noble. With both of my previous Jobs, no applications was ever required of me, and I was hired without much work or question. I was awake until 2:30 Tuesday morning filling out online applications. Overall I did more than 20, both online and hard copy. Tuesday was spent driving around Lansing to all the places that did not have online application capabilities.
As a rule, the only places I would not apply were fast food places, excluding Subway and Quiznos, for heath reasons. I wouldn’t advise anyone to eat such greasy, synthetic, metabolically unstable foods, let alone work with them on a daily basis. Sub Places, on the other hand, are generally less chemical and grease ridden. But they are also limited franchises, and you must apply on a store by store basis. I was dreading having to make 5 or more copies of my applications to take to all of the locations of these stores I could think of.
Luckily the second Subway I went to was hiring, and seemed actually in need of help. Alas, before I was even home, they had left a messages on our answering machine, and I was able to schedule and interview for the next day.
Again, having never done a proper application, not interview, my experience on the subject is limited, but to me the interview was quite short. Consisting of only two questions, one about a typo on my application, I was in and out of the store in five minutes. Only two days after being laid off, I was able to find another job. I start Wednesday at 7 AM at Subway. Yay for Employment.
Segment 4: (Special Edition) Karma
Now I don’t really believe in karma, but this week alone has led me to question the order of things. The month so far has been unusual to begin with, and has made an interesting opening to a new year.
The Celtic ball was a wonderful two day event which I cannot even begin to describe, no matter how much I wish to. Hopefully our plans come together and another such ball takes place here in Lansing sometime soon. But, as though karmic fate, the night after the ball I came down with a cold that has held me for more than a week now and refuses to leave no matter what I throw at it. It also left my family and I very tired, and hence very grouchy over the past week.
As already reported on Monday I was let go from my job at SSI. However shortly before that happened, my three month old downloads of M*A*S*H and Friends the TV shows finally completed, while I was at work, no less
In my errands Tuesday I had planned to take my checks to the back to deposit. My first mistake was forgetting that I had switched banks, and thus wasting what little Gas I had. The second mistake I made was counting the total of my checks, which surpassed my expectations and left be very pleased with myself. Once I did get to my bank, though, I found I had left the checks at home.
Wednesday morning I met with an old Manager from Vinnai, who offered me a place in a Multi level marketing program for ACN Communications technology company. Potentially I could make $5000 a month in the program legitimately, but the time and energy it takes to get there, makes the offer less appealing. I haven’t decided on it yet.
I left that meeting and went to pick up my new glasses, which were merely a replacement frame for the old ones I broke. Having to wear someone else glasses for a few weeks was annoying, and I was glad to have a pair of my own back. But while I was in the glasses place, my car was backed into, taking out my right turn signal lights. I don’t know who back into me.
Friday I arranged to spend the day with Laura and her student Hudson sledding. In order to get to their Haslet home by 11 am I left at 10:30. When I was less that 2 minutes away, I lost control of my newly repaired car and went into a ditch, tearing down several yards of barbed wire fence, which tore off my right side view mirror.
After being towed out of the ditch at Lauras expense, we enjoyed a wonderful day of sledding, both with Hud, and then again later with the Bacon family. But one again, in order to balance out the fun I had to hit my head on the back of the sled on my last run, and cause myself serious back problems, as well as a brutally sore neck.
I hope the rest of the month doesn’t continue this pattern

Segment 5: Genesis
Part 1: Progenitor
"These will have to stay with us, Kayne." A burly, over sized vampire guard, taking two ebony shortblades off my back, while another, spindlier leech continued to search me for weapons. The Council trusts me. I thought as my four combat knives were taken from their hiding places on my person. Why else would they wait till I was just outside their Sacred Hall to search me for weapons. I had already made it onto the mobile space station from which The Council ruled. Most of the time, an armed person wasn't allowed near the station.
"What's this?" The smaller vampire withdrew a small item from the holster on my back, beneath my cloak.
I smiled, feigning innocence, though I knew there was little point to it. "It's called a handgun. Its an old world weapon." The look of confusion on the guard's face made me laugh. I was joined in laughter a moment later by the larger vamp, as he examined the weapon.
"It's a mere .22 Caliber, hardly a threat to the Progenitors." He handed the pistol back to me after ejecting the clip and emptying the chamber "I'll even let you keep it. You can go in now"
With a smile I walked through the high glass-framed doors, to a small, totally white room. Here, I knew I had to wait. The Progenitors where control freaks, who would make a person wait even if it meant the end of the world, just to put that person in his place.
In all honesty, the word "progenitor" was backwards for the situation. The people I was about to see where young, comparatively. They were merely hosts. The Council, in reality, was more than One hundred Thousand years old, a bit younger than myself. As I have said before, The council chose medical means to preserve their wretched lives. It has been so long, and they were so old, that their bodies barely existed anymore, and their minds were preserved by some kind of machine. But in order to maintain authority of their the genetic races, the four origin races had to be represented. So The Council chose the best of each of the races, who's mind and will were taken from them, and now act as the mouthpieces of the Council. These chose are called the Progenitor. Without them, the Council has really no ability to act or do anything.
A dresses opening appeared at one end of the annoyingly white room, and I made my way through it. The Progenitors Throne room was something I had seen before. Four chairs with high backs, made of interweaving, ornate metal wires. In each chair sat a Progenitor.
"You should be honored for this meet, Kayne," Said the Dinosaur- like Deltox Progenitor, in a raw, gravely voice.
The silvery feminine voice of the Varial-Human continued the sentence without a pause, "Few ever are granted audience,"
"And even fewer come before us at their own will or leisure." Finished the vampire progenitor. Before the words of the sentence had echoed from the air, all four Progenitors shifted their blank, unblinking stares from fixed points on the wall behind me, looking instead, directly into my eyes. I suppressed a shudder, as I forced myself to bear the gaze of the four. Their eyes had always bothered me, as though the were screaming at me for something, though the rest of their faces remained emotionless.
"Why have you come here?" Asked the Elf Progenitor in a booming voice, which echoed through the room far longer than normal.
After a very brief, polite pause, I spoke with all the authority I had, "It has come to my attention that you and your scientists have finally achieved that which I have strived for these many long decades.
"Have you indeed found a way to walk between worlds?"
With a tick, all four Progenitors necks twitched simultaneously. "We have Breached the gate which, until now barred us from entering the world from which we came," The Elf began,
"And even now we cannot return there, but only call to that world," The Vampyre hissed
The Varial Continued the strange, unified thought. "Our call goes forth to bring to us a pure-genetic human, of Atlantean ancestry,"
"So that we may at long last complete the Genetic code of perfection, and thus create the perfect being." The Elf Said again, before another group twitch erupted from four right hands.
With a single, unified voice all four said, "Why?" Drawing out the question eerily.
I held myself firm, not allowing yet another shudder to quake across my shoulders. "I have searched and employed all manner of research on this subject. Perhaps, if you were to give me the secret to it, with time I could find the key to opening the gate home completely, so that we may return to Our Atlantis, to rebuild the great civilization we had there for the humans that remain, and-"
"No!" The four voices cried, filling the hall with their great volume.
The Varial Progenitor began a new thought, her voice rushed and angry, though her "The human has already been called fourth from that world,"
"The humans of that world are violent and proliferant both in numbers and destructive means,"
"As we once were,"
"Were we to endeavor to return,"
"The people we rule would doubtless return to their violent ways,"
"To their own destruction."
"As ageless as you are, Kayne,"
"Your surely remember the desolation,"
"Human bring about,"
"When left to their nature."
"So we must once again ask you."
Save for the last word, which was a unified voice, the jumping from voice to voice happened so quickly that I had a hard time understanding what was said, let alone which said it. After a moment, in which I gathered by thoughts and recovered, I answered them. "Whether or not they would destroy themselves or enumerate the worlds, that is not the decision to be made by anyone but the people themselves. If they Wish to return, give them the option, at least. For myself, I am Atlantean, through and through, for this reason only I seek to return, if nothing else to rebuild a homeland that is more precious to me than life itself. And if my desire were to be granted it would serve the greater purpose of allowing The people their history and home back." There was a moment of silence after my speech concluded. I felt a little proud of myself at having out-debated them.
Without warning, the Vampire spoke, "So we see,"
"So we understand." The Deltox finished that phrase before the four once again began their mixed speaking of the same sentence.
"The people's will is to be safe and secure,"
"Not fear of destruction"
"This has been our guide these many thousand years past,"
"The people must be protected,"
"And for so many generations"
"That task has been designated to this council."
When I was sure they had finished, I still took a pause, to try and understand their meaning. "You would deny them their past, nay even their own will?"
All I could tell for sure was that the Elf was the first to speak "It has been many generations since Atlantis,"
"The people will have well forgotten,"
"As indeed, they should have,"
"The remnant of their decadent past,"
"As to their will,"
"Whether the people wish to return,"
"Is irrelevant,"
"In order to assure security,"
"The people must not be allowed to be harmed,"
"Even harm they wish to bring upon themselves,"
"The people must be protected,"
"From the will of the people,"
A jolt of anger mixed with terror hit me. "But then-" I tried to interrupt
"You, a nearly immortal ancient," The Elf cut me off
"Must surely have understood this,"
"And so,"
"Your reasoning must be a facade,"
"For your true intentions."
They Paused
"You were the Ruler of Atlantis." Said the Varial Progenitor.
Though her words had not come as a question, I answered. "Yes I was, but-"
"Then it is our understanding,"
"That you wish to return the people to Atlantis,"
"Solely in order to regain power over them,"
"And thus subvert our power here,"
"In an act of defiance to our authority,"
"You have been branded a traitor,"
My hand twitched behind my cloak, feeling for the empty gun. This couldn’t be what I thought it was. "Ra?" I asked, only to verify what I thought the term meant.
"A title given to enemies of the council,"
"Deemed punishable by any means,"
"Including death, curses, imprisonment, and banishment."
I dropped my head, staring hard at the ground for a moment, still hoping I was misunderstanding what they were saying.
"None may subvert our authority,"
"Even these Progenitors,"
"These vassals of ours which stand before you and speak to you now,"
"Are all men and women of great and powerful minds and intellect,"
"All of whom stood against us,"
"And are now doomed to be slaves to our will,"
"Their freedom and will taken,"
"Forced only to observe as we use their bodies as our greatest weapon,"
"The Progenitors."
The Rippling of shock, fear and horror inside my stomach lit on fire, burning my heart. "I understand." These people were all fully conscious, aware of their actions, with no control over them. Prisoners. "I understand now." my anger barely touched my voice, holding it back just a few moments longer. "I understand what I have to do to serve you," I bowed to the Progenitors. "I’m sorry." The whisper echoed softly from my lips.
In that heartbeat, my channeled all of my focus into the one abnormal ability I had. Given enough adrenaline, my mind can slow time. Though my body can move no faster than anything else, it gives me time to assess a situation completely.
I ran my finger along the engraving at the end of the barrel, reading the words carved there: "Walther P22 .22 Caliber". The guard had been right, it was a small caliber, and hardly any threat to the powerful Progenitors. If I didn’t make each shot lethal, then it would be wasted. That means I had to hit all four between the eyes.
The Deltox posed a larger problem. Its genetics were best suited for extra-planetary life, meaning its bones were weak and brittle. To make up for this deficiency, a Deltox's skin is tough, and they are hopelessly strong. I'd have to shoot him point blank, barrel to nose in order to make and difference at all. And if it got even one hit on me, it was over. The same strength applied to the Vampire and Elf, Making the Human the easiest target.
Varial Humans are barely human at all, but they are strong in magic, and if I didn’t catch Her off guard, then she would doubtless be able to catch the bullet in air with her mind, meaning she had to go first, before she could build a defense. The Elf would be fast. The Vampire would stay at a range, probably being cocky as ordinarily this type of weapon is incapable of killing him, magically empowered creature that he is. Fortunately I embed the Walther with a fire augmentation, in the hopes that I might someday use it as a Gate catalyst so I could return to Atlantis.
I could feel the effects of time speed up, and at the last moment Before it returned to normal, I flipped the Walther from behind me, catching it backward into my right hand, and brining the hilt of the gun up to the magazine I had hidden beneath my shoulder plate. Just as time reached normal speed, I hit the latch, loading one Bullet into the chamber and fired at the Varial. Before the empty shell was ejected from the chamber, the Elf was upon me, and I only had time to block His powerful blow, catching his hand with the hilt of my pistol, before driving it into his nose, producing a loud, sharp crack.
As he recoiled from the pain, I twisted, lifted my left arm to drive the spike of my Gauntlet into the Elf’s throat. The resulting spray of blood coated the left side of my back.
The Deltox Struck for the gun, missing, but still causing me to lose my grip on it. As it flipped into the air, I deflected a hard blow from his Monstrous fist, catching The gun by the barrel, and, using it as a club, struck for the soft skull. My opponent blocked, and I dropped the gun, grabbing it with my other hand to strike again, at the same time blocking his blows. For several seconds we struck and deflected, He trying to get any possible hit on me, as I used my firearm as a club, switching it from hand to hand, searching for a blow to his- Crack! My makeshift club connected with his left cheekbone, and I could feel the fracture run up the side and back of his skull. He staggered back, writhing in pain, as I pressed the barrel of the gun between his eyes and squeezed the trigger.
I turned from the Deltox’s limp body, to find the Vampire standing only a few feet behind me. A small, confident smile rose on His face as I pointed the gun at him. “The punishment for this shall be great, I assure you. These bodies you have slain thank you. Even know I feel the will of this person I inhabit crying for you to kill him. The price you will pay for the death of the old Progenitors, will be the life of the new one.”
As He spoke, I could feel magic fill the room, wrapping itself around me, and digging into my soul.
“The boy we have called fourth, the one who will be our perfection. We have proclaimed him our new Progenitor, our Angel Of Life, and he will do our will. For your crime, as long as he lives, you shall live. In order to maintain your life, you must maintain his, and so maintain our rule over this world and our people. This is your curse.”
Pain flooded my body, and I struggled to keep the Vampyre in my sights, as I could feel my life binding to another’s.
“It’s a shame, really,” Continued the vampyre. “That you didn’t bring a weapon capable of killing me.” It smiled.
Even through the pain I croaked, “Are you sure of that?” before I pulled the trigger. The smile didn’t even leave his face as he fell to the floor, dead. A moment later I tumbled to the ground, writhing as at the pain of what felt like all the atoms of my body being separated. It was the first of many feelings I would have that were not my own.
The torture continued for what seemed like years. I know it was some time, but in that kind of pain I didn’t know how long. At last it was relieved and I could feel the softness of the mind and soul of this person I was now bound to. He was… young… innocent…
“What is his name?” I asked myself. The answer floated through my mind peacefully, like I had known all my life. Firefly. Antien. Nathan.

Part 2: Alyssa
12:29:42 AM Loves0question: What are you still doing up, Little one?
12:29:55 AM ask0the0question: u get to stay up, why can’t i
12:30:05 AM Loves0question: I don’t sleep, remember…
12:30:12 AM ask0the0question: Yea… well… I just cant tonight either
12:30:59 AM Loves0question: *sigh * need some company? I wouldn’t mind having someone to talk to, since anna and laura are in bed.
12:31:03 AM ask0the0question: yay ill come over there youhave a bigger bed
12:31:12 AM Loves0question: ok
12:31:24 AM ask0the0question: yay
12:31:25 AM ask0the0question: ill be there in a sec

I quickly shut of my computer, after logging off my brother’s old AIM screen name that he had given me. Come to think of it, my laptop had once also been my brothers, before he bought himself a new one with his open house money.
When I got to his room, The first thing I noticed was the depressed look on his face, which was hardly lit but the light from his laptop. As I got closer to him, the light also made his shoulder shine, like it was wet. It was also red. “Nate!” I ran over to him, climbing onto his bed and carefully examining what was obviously another bullet hole. Another Bullet hole. I took his chin in my hand, making him look at me instead of the computer screen. “What happened?”
He sighed, but still looked me in the eye. “More mages.”
I knew exactly what he was talking about. I’m his life, I am one of the few people who know about Nate, or what he can do and what he really is. Rather, I’m the only person who does. He may be transparent, but he is good at hiding things.
“Are you ok?” I eyed the poorly wrapped wound.
He turned his face back to whatever pirated movie played on his computer. “I’m fine.”
I gently poked the hole, not liking the way it looked at all, “Are you sure?”
He took my hand, suddenly, combing his fingers in my hair. “Alyssa” He looked at me with his ‘tame lion’ gentleness and a convincing smile. “I’m all right”
“But I’m going to have to do surgery on you again to get the freaking bullet out, aren’t I?” I asked, rhetorically. I looked back at him for a moment. “You need to shave.” I said, running a disapproving finger over his facial hair. “You look scruffy, and not in a good way.”
He laughed, “So I’ve been hearing, recently. I’ll shave tomorrow, I promise.”
“Really?! Awesome!” I paused for a few seconds to watch the movie with him. When I still couldn’t figure out what it was I scanned his computer screen. VLC media player was in front, over a Full Metal Alchemist Anime desktop background, and three open chat windows. One was mine, the other Anna’s, and the third was Laura’s. “Do you leave their chat windows open all nigh? Laura signed off more than two hours ago, and Anna isn’t really talking much.”
“I just forget to close them.” He said, “x”ing out of the windows to patronize me.
Another few moments of silence passed, as some important bad character in the movie was shot, and died and the credits started rolling.
“Can I see them?” I said, now that I wasn’t interrupting anything.
He looked at me, one eyebrow lifted in confusion. “What?”
I shrugged, “You know, your…” I paused and waved my hands beside my body, looking a little ridiculous. I blushed and the dumb gesture.
Nate laughed “It’s a good thing I know what this means?” He said, waving his hands in an imitation of me.
“Shut up,” I hit him on the stomach, playfully and smiled. “So..?” I left the question in the air.
Growing a solemn, he shifted away from me slightly and I watched as the façade of skin that everyone else saw melted away, and the compact black feathers of his neatly folded wings became visible. I moved out of the way, as he unfolded them slightly, leaving just enough room on the bed for his body, myself and the computer.
I ran my hand along the upper ridge of bone, from where it connected between his shoulder blades, to the first joint, which functioned like an elbow joint. I ran my face against the downy feathers at his back, combing the coarser ones lower down with my fingers.
Since I had found out about his wings and all the other stuff, Nate and I had become a lot closer. Probably closer than most biological siblings get. Not in a gross way, but being the typical fifteen year old girl, the thought of having a super human big brother was way too awesome for words.
“Why are you shaving tomorrow?” I asked, pulling at the thought that had butterflied in my mind all day.
Twisting so I was still between his wings, but he could face me, his confusion and curiosity crossed his face again. “You just asked me to. And tomorrow seemed like a good time”
I Shifted nervously. “So you are doing it for me? As a gift?” I asked, trying to avoid bringing up this conversation, but still hoping he would guess. He did.
“You don’t have to remind me that tomorrow is your Sisson Birthday.” He said with a smile. I blushed, happy that he hadn’t forgotten, and embarrassed for thinking he had.
My “Sisson Birtday” was the day I officially became Nate, Abby, and Zach’s little sister. Mr. and Mrs. Sisson, Mom and Dad now, had adopted me six years ago.
For the first few years, attention seeking, happy, twelve year old third born Nate and I didn’t get along. To make a long story short, he wasn’t the youngest anymore, and on some level he didn’t like me for stealing his spotlight as it were. It didn’t help that he and I were very similar in some ways, yet drastically different in others.
However, by the time he was fourteen and I was eleven, we got along just as good, if not better than we did with Abby and Zach. That year comes to mind in particular because that was the year “it” happened. Between his first two weeks at SSI, in July of 2005, Nathan became Antien. They are the same, but he and I use two different names because whatever happened that summer, which he doesn’t even completely remember, drastically changed him. That’s when he discovered how different he was.
It took me another two years to get him to tell me everything. For a year and a half now I have shared my brothers secrets, happily for the most part.
Coming back to the matter at hand, I decided to be a little precocious, which he often lets me get away with. “So…” I said with a cheeky smile, as my hand massaged the long muscle that ran along his back down his ribcage, which no other person had, as far as I knew, “Did you do anything for me… Other than decide to shave, like you should have done months ago?”
His Knowing, older brother smile returned. “Its after one in the morning,” he said, lifing me and pulling me a bit closer with his wings, on which I rested. “So it is your birthday, and I can give you what I had planned.”
I smiled excitedly as he ran his thumps along my cheek up into my hair. I began to wonder what he was doing as his fingertips ran along the ridge of my ear. Then I realized my ear didn’t usually seem that long, because I continued to feel his hands on them as they went much higher than my ears did. I reach up to touch my them, but jerked my hand away when I found they came to a point. Cautiously I felt them again. My eyes widened as I ran my fingers up and down my ears over and over again. The bottoms were the same, but the tops rose up out of my hair and came to a neat point. My ears were just like his were, when he wasn’t hiding them.
With an excited laugh I tackled hugged him, and I could feel both his arms and wings wrap around me. “I Would give you wings, but its taken me several months just to figure out how to do that.”
A tingle of happiness sparkled all through me for a few minutes as I continued to squeeze him as hard as I could. “But how am I going to explain them?”
“You can hide them, just like I can.”
My excitement overflowed again. “Really?!” He laughed, gently peeling me from around his neck. “Thank you, Nate. This means… more than you can understand.”
He smiled gently, reaching up to play with my new eartips. “I do have a slightly more practical gift for you, tomorrow. One you can use with others around.”
I giggled. I felt so stupid and embarrassed for being so enthusiastic compared to the general happy calmness he had been showing these past few months. I attempted to relax, resting my head on his shoulder. I suddenly realized how tired I was.
Without needing to ask, he folded his wings around me in a warm, soft feather of blankets. I started falling asleep immediately. The last thing I heard was Nathan’s soft whisper. “Sleep well, little one.”

Segment 6: Never
This world will never be
What I expected
And if I don't belong
Who would have guessed it
I will not leave alone
Everything that I own
To make you feel like it's not too late
It's never too late

Even if I say
It'll be alright
Still I hear you say
You want to end your life
Now and again we try
To just stay alive
Maybe we'll turn it all around
'Cause it's not too late
It's never too late

No one will ever see
This side reflected
And if there's something wrong
Who would have guessed it
And I have left alone
Everything that I own
To make you feel like
It's not too late
It's never too late

The world we knew
Won't come back
The time we've lost
Can't get back
The life we had
Won't be ours again

This world will never be
What I expected
And if I don't belong